Email Portability Approved by Knesset Committee

From Mon Feb 22 09:10:55 2010
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 17:09:45 +0200
From: Gadi Evron <>
To: NANOG Operators Group <>
Subject: Email Portability Approved by Knesset Committee

The email portability bill has just been approved by the Knesset's
committee for legislation, sending it on its way for the full
legislation process of the Israeli parliament.

While many users own a free email account, many in Israel still make use
of their ISP's email service.

According to this proposed bill, when a client transfers to a different
ISP the email address will optionally be his to take along, "just like"
mobile providers do today with phone numbers.

This new legislation makes little technological sense, and will
certainly be a mess to handle operationally as well as beurocratically,
but it certainly is interesting, and at least the notion is beautiful.

Quick! Somebody propose a snail-mail portability bill. When a renter
changes to a different landlord, his snail-mail address will be optionally
his to take along, "just like" what is proposed for ISP clients.

In message <>, Robert Bonomi write

Quick! Somebody propose a snail-mail portability bill. When a renter
changes to a different landlord, his snail-mail address will be optionally
his to take along, "just like" what is proposed for ISP clients.

You can pay for this redirection service if you want it. Usually
it is time limited and often not fully implemented.


But.... with snail-mail it usually ¬just works¬, uses existing proven
technology, provides a little extra revenue for the carriers, etc etc

I just don't see any of the above happening with _this_ proposal.

Hmm, maybe 'proposal' isn't the correct word for it - by a long way.

I have a feeling it's going to be implemented in the following manner:

./ | bad_plan >> /dev/null

Hey - maybe they should submit an RFC? :slight_smile:

next up: State of Israel vs. SORBS et al. ding-ding!

Maybe I'm too pessimistic?
