Email filtering and protection Help

From: Mark Urbach <>
To: <>
Subject: Email filtering and protection Help
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2009 12:02:43 -0600

Today we use Postini for inbound email protection.
Today we use Symantec's SMTP Gateway (running on Solaris) for outgoing


filtering. (helps stop bad stuff from our customers sending email to


Internet) This SMTP Gateway software is "End of Life"

Does anyone have recommendations for other products/software to filter


outgoing email, from our customers going to the internet.

Postini also does outgoing email filtering. Just requires setup.

Gregory Hicks

I (we) use SBG, if you like the Symantec stuff it is much better than
the SMS SMTP product.

Postini also does outgoing email filtering. Just requires setup.

Based on the amount of spam their customers send me, it doesn't
work very well.
