eDNS - Temporary Freeze

> What's so difficult to understand about what Paul said?

You don't understand how DNS works.

I think he does.

As long as the Internet's cache files on each and every system out there
point at "a" in their file, there is the potential to break the namespace.

Heck, I guess that would be true of "F" as well. Shall I break the name
space? No? Why not? Is it because coherence has great value? OK, so how
shall we determine the synchronization signal for this coherence -- that is,
who can vary and who is required to follow? The answer is that the owner of
a zone can vary, and the publishers of a zone have to follow.

One rogue server in a confederation will cause serious problems.

Which is why I expect that the current InterNIC contractor (NSI) will do
whatever the owners of its published but unowned zones (".", MIL, EDU, GOV)
tell them to do.

NSI has defacto control, because getting them out of the cache files is a
long and slow process, and until they ARE out their answers will be

If NSI tried to become a DNS pirate, I expect that IANA would publish a new
"named.cache" file without NSI in it, and that the world would switch in a
week or less. Nobody likes DNS pirates -- or hadn't you noticed, Karl?

To Sum up.. so I stop getting practically spammed about this..

IAHC's proposal I think stinks.. its horrible.. gTLDs are a waste and it
makes trademarking issues 10x as complex because now you have to register
11 TLDs for your company instead of 2 or 3. You can disagree if you want
to.. I think 2nd level domains in .US would make more sense.. every other
country does this and it WORKS.
Nuff' said.

IAHC's proposal may stink, it may be the salvation of the net, take your
pick. But UNFORTUNATLY -NO- other group has come up with a counter proposal
that makes ANY sense that gets feedback from the same broad-based
membership IAHC's signees have. IAHC went out of their way to make it
non-partisan. Every other DNS hack out there has said "our way is best, use
us!" without issuing any type of public proposal, publish forums, and
public comments.

So for better or worse we are stuck with IAHC's proposal and solution
because NOBODY else came up with ANYTHING better. If the 4-5 other DNS
groups had banded together at the onset instead of knifing each other in
the back for $50 than maybe something good would have come out of their

Give it up. IAHC wins... because nobody opposed it with a REASONABLE
