eDNS - Temporary Freeze

Because of the enormous amount of interest in eDNS
and the rapid growth of Registration Authorities (RAs)
and TLD Registries under the eDNS plan, a temporary
Freeze has been placed on the eDNS Root Zone [1].

This Freeze should allow all of the major Root Name
Server Confederations to come to a round table consensus
with "dot" clearly in the center of the table, out of reach
of everyone's arms, military or otherwise.

The major Root Name Server Confederations at this
point in time are:

    AlterNIC - ?? Servers
    eDNS - 5 Servers (FROZEN)
    InterNIC - 9 Legacy Servers
    name.space - 12 Servers
    NSI/ISI - 4 Servers

Everyone, especially ISPs and NANOG members, should
encourage the owner/operators of the Root Name Servers
in the above Confederations to represent them at these
historic round table discussions which will be largely held
in the open environment of the Internet and in traditional
Internet forums.

Think global and act local...