E1200i vs EX8200 in Large Deployment

Hi All,

If anyone out there has any pro/con experience with the Force10 E1200i or
S50 in a large environment I'd really appreciate your thoughts. I'm
comparing them against the Juniper EX8200 and EX4200 respectively and
curious about hardware/software stability on both brands. Off-list
responses are invited to avoid publicly promoting/demoting a specific brand
or device :wink:

Many thanks in advance,
Adam LaFountain

If anyone out there has any pro/con experience with the Force10 E1200i or
S50 in a large environment I'd really appreciate your thoughts.

Those are totally different animals, they don't even run the same code :slight_smile: E1200 is a large chassis switch, S50N/V are 1U stackables. One can actually do (tables/mpls) IP routing, one can't; Basically one is decent for core, one for server agg.

I'm comparing them against the Juniper EX8200 and EX4200 respectively and curious about hardware/software stability on both brands.

It really depends on what you're looking for... The EX series is a great L2/L3 switch, but likely you'd end up wanting MX in core if you're going the Juniper direction. IMHO Juniper is faster and more responsive in
releasing updates if that matters.

I've seen Juniper eat F10's lunch more than once recently, so you should probably figure out what you want first before you get in too deep :slight_smile:


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