Dynamic IP log retention = 0?

And there's another name for 'casing the joint', it is 'looking around'.
Looking around generally isn't a crime. Neither is casing a joint, for that
matter. And like I suggested with port scanning, whether someone was
'looking around' or 'casing the joint' is really only determinable after
they've robbed the joint or not. Before that point, you're almost stabbing
in the dark.

"Looking around" Rockefeller Center generally isn't a crime.

"Looking around" where you're in my back yard and peeking in the windows
is, at a minimum, trespass, and if our local cops notice you doing it, you
can expect that you may find yourself ... severely inconvenienced.

There is no "freedom to look around" on private property, despite what you
appear to think.

... JG

Isn't Rockefeller Center private property? :wink:

-Jim P.

Can we please get this thread closed or something?

Jim Popovitch wrote:

Can we please get this thread closed or something?

Maybe we should start the nanog-law mailing list.

Marshall Eubanks wrote:

Maybe we should start the nanog-law mailing list.

Maybe we should stick to the operational "Subject" at hand: log retention?

Is there any disagreement that everybody SHOULD keep dynamic assignment logs
for at least 36 hours as a Best Current Practice?

Is there any evidence that Covad *keeps* logs, and responds to abuse notice?

(I've seen no evidence that Covad has become such a bad actor that everybody
should de-peer, but that might be incentive to keep better logs.)

A finely tuned killfile that remains mostly static once defined works
wonders across all threads and fairly well.

