Dutch Hotels Must Register As ISPs

http://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/10/13/0044233/Dutch-Hotels-Must-Register-As -ISPs

I don't see the problem here, they are generally already outsourcing the
"ISP" part anyway to a company, and that company is generally already a ISP.

The only thing that might happen because of the wiretapping is that they
cannot stick everybody behind a NAT anymore and thus maybe service might
improve...... (wishful thinking eh :wink:


If I read the various links in the articles (most of them in Dutch), then
one of the questions is if reselling services from an ISP, makes the
reseller itself an ISP. The telecom regulatory body (OPTA) says yes, the
association of hotel owners (KHN) says no. There are legal arguments either


Okay, if we go down that road, that makes Starbucks, Borders, a number
of restaurants, and any other place that offers publically accessible
wifi (free or otherwise) an ISP. If they start to increase the burden
on these businesses, expect to see wifi hotspots diminish. IMO, that
classification would be a bad thing.

It really seems like a case of "if my grandmother had wheels she'd be
a trolley car".

* Wayne E. Bouchard:

Okay, if we go down that road, that makes Starbucks, Borders, a number
of restaurants, and any other place that offers publically accessible
wifi (free or otherwise) an ISP.

The funny thing is that you actually want to be recognized as an ISP
if you have transit traffic because it tends to shield you from
liability if your customer does something stupid.

Oh I dont know. There's lots of hotels that charge something like 20
Euro for a day's worth of wifi [the same with paris airport]

You can get a month's worth of high speed dsl for 20 euro.

So, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, or however
that translates into dutch.