DSL at MAE-East

Is there anyone who has successfully gotten DSL for out of band back
channel into the MAE-East building?

We're being told it's impossible, and somehow this strikes me as
somewhat improbable...


-george william herbert

We're looking to do the same at Telx in NYC (60 Hudson - 9th floor). The folks at Telx that I've spoken to about it have been confused at best.

Why would it not be better to get an Ethernet cross-connect to someone in the facility who might be willing to charge you "DSL prices" for that kind of usage? (you'll pay for a cross-connect anyway)

Matthew Kaufman

Or get an ISR with a 3G GSM card?

I'm a fan of this solution. We use T-Mobile with EDGE cards (not 3G, but I
don't need 3G for SSH, RDP, etc) in several of our colocation environments
for remote access. At $30/month for the service (per card), it was way
cheaper than a cross-connect and DSL service. Also fairly reliable.


I thought of that too right after I hit send... But I don't see many scenarios where that is any better

Matthew Kaufman


Mike Lyon:



Is there anyone who has successfully gotten DSL for out of band back

Why would it not be better to get an Ethernet cross-connect to

Or get an ISR with a 3G GSM card?

I thought of that too right after I hit send... But I don't see many
scenarios where that is any better

Somewhat less likely to have common mode (backhoe, etc) failures if
it's DSL (or a 3G GSM or so forth).

We had a two-provider common mode failure at another site, and I've had
several in the past at other clients, one of which made it onto CNN...
So I now try to provision something more resistant to that.

Note "resistant" not proof - I've also had enough "got groomed together"
failures including the uplinks for DSL providers and cell providers to
believe that these are truly guaranteed independent. But we're trying
to do an acceptably reliably separated choice without going to Iridium
or Hughesnet.

-george william herbert

Check out

It's a neat solution where for less then DSL you can get out of band over evdo to all your console ports/ethernet, and it also gives you a POTS line over the evdo. I commented on how this was needed for years and Chris Cook over there actually went out and built this neat box. I believe it runs about $35-40 MRC and it's a much quicker way to upload new code then a pots line.

Neat part is if it works you do not pay the carrier hotel a cross connect MRC fee. That adds up rapidly.


For an absolute base model, you could get the Cisco ISR 881.


Joe McGuckin
ViaNet Communications

650-207-0372 cell
650-213-1302 office
650-969-2124 fax