Drupal-GEO maping


I am looking for advise on mapping data in Drupal.
We are building a Portal using the Drupal core.
i am looking for a way to be able to map ip addresses to countries etc. Is anyone aware of any modules available that could accomplish this task.

Hi James

Nice question. I am interested if someone can suggest some similar
extension or some code to integrate it within Joomla too.



Hi Anrag,

FYI:Depending on the type of information you running joomla is not always safest bet.

But I do know Drupal works well for data maping.


Generic Mapping Tools http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/
PostGIS http://postgis.refractions.net/


Quoting James Smith <james@smithwaysecurity.com>:

The overall goal is to look similar to this but inside Drupal. ( http://wildkatzenwegeplan.geops.de/)
But thanks everyone for for your input.