Draft internic ip allocation doc


As you know, our past unwritten policy was to only dole out ip space
to isps that were directly connected to major routing exchange points,
or those whose requirements exceeded their upstream providers desire
to allocate from their own space. After numerous discussions, we have
developed the following document to be our new procedure for allocating space.
We hope there is consensus amongst us.

If there is not too much negative commentary, the InterNIC would like
to start allocating space in terms of this document very soon. Also, the
document below is an interim measure in lieu of the rfc1466bis document
which is under construction.

Mark and Kim



The InterNIC Registry, under the authority of the Internet Assigned Numbers
Authority, allocates blocks of address space to Internet Service
Providers (ISP) for the purpose of using that space with their customers.

ISPs and others not located in the InterNIC's geographical area of
responsibility should contact the appropriate Regional Registry for
information on how to obtain IP addresses. The following is a list
of Regional Registries and National NICs that have authority to allocate
IP addresses:

Other Regional Registries
  RIPE NCC (European Registry) hostmaster@ripe.net
  APNIC (Asia Pacific Registry) hostmaster@apnic.net

InterNIC Delegated Registries within the Americas
  CA*net (Canadian NIC) ipregist@canet.ca
  RNP (Brazilian Registry) gomide@fapq.fapesp.br

To aid in the utilization of Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR), ISPs
are encouraged to request address space from their upstream provider,
it must be noted that the upstream provider maintains control of the
allocated block unless explicitly and contractually stated otherwise.
However, CIDR blocks may be allocated directly from the InterNIC if

The following guidelines have been established in an attempt to allocate
address space to ISPs in a way that is fair but will address the issues
of router table growth and IP address preservation. This document
also details procedures that must be followed by ALL ISPs receiving
address space which is then leased to their customers.


This sounds pretty onerous. If you insist on requirements such as this,
you should be much clearer on what you require, and what form you require
it in.

Check out RIPE-124.

> This sounds pretty onerous. If you insist on requirements such as this,
> you should be much clearer on what you require, and what form you require
> it in.

Check out RIPE-124.

RIPE-124 does look like the level of detail (or perhaps more!) than I
was thinking of.

The Internic Guidelines should reference that document (with a URL as
well) or a similar one. You can't expect all people within an ISP - or
even ISPs - to be familar with this RIPE document.

J. Paul Holbrook
CICNet Network Services Manager
holbrook@cic.net (313) 998-7680