downloading speed

Dear Group member,

We are level one ISP. one of my customer is connected to fast ethernet.
His link speed 100,000 kbps. while downloading any thing from net he
downloading speed donot go above 200 kbps.
While doing multiple download he get aroung 200 kbps in every window. But
when he close all the windows no change in downloading speed is observed.

our router is C12KPRP-K4P-M

Please advise what could be the cause?

link speed duplex mismatch ?

chandrashakher pawar wrote:

Dear Group member,

We are level one ISP. one of my customer is connected to fast ethernet.
His link speed 100,000 kbps. while downloading any thing from net he
downloading speed donot go above 200 kbps.
While doing multiple download he get aroung 200 kbps in every window. But
when he close all the windows no change in downloading speed is observed.

our router is C12KPRP-K4P-M

Please advise what could be the cause?

Most likely: tcp tuning - Google Search

Also check for duplex mismatch, cable problems, interface errors, etc.

Also verify that you're comparing the same units, bits vs bytes.

Could you perhaps paste the router configuration in your reply? If you
could execute a "wr t" or a "show run", that should provide sufficient
information for the proper troubleshooting to take place.

Thank you.

Paul Wall
(Drive Slow)

chandrashakher pawar wrote:

We are level one ISP. one of my customer is connected to fast ethernet.
His link speed 100,000 kbps. while downloading any thing from net he
downloading speed donot go above 200 kbps.
While doing multiple download he get aroung 200 kbps in every window. But
when he close all the windows no change in downloading speed is observed.

As others have mentioned, duplex mismatch is a good cause. If you have a client with java support, give the NDT a try as this is something it claims to detect:

There's a master site list available here so you may wish to find a closer test site:

Caveat: I think most of them are Internet2 only. I know the ANL and CERN sites are accessible to us but didn't try them all.


Duplex Mismatch looks to be the problem.

Dear Members,

Thanks for your help and valuable information.

Hey Chandra,

You should check with your VP of IP Engineering, I have heard tell that he
is a ³hard core engineer². I am sure he could have solved your problem.

Cheers -

Dear Members,

Thanks for your help and valuable information.


Finally the issue resolved after card reset.

Case has been book with Cisco.

I will update you with the outcome of Cisco once they update us...

Chandrashakher pawar

> Duplex Mismatch looks to be the problem.

>> Dear Group member,
>> We are level one ISP. one of my customer is connected to fast ethernet.
>> His link speed 100,000 kbps. while downloading any thing from net he
>> downloading speed donot go above 200 kbps.
>> While doing multiple download he get aroung 200 kbps in every window. But
>> when he close all the windows no change in downloading speed is observed.
>> our router is C12KPRP-K4P-M
>> Please advise what could be the cause?
>> --
>> Regards
>> Chandrashakher Pawar
>> Customer & Services Operations
>> Tata communication AS6453
>> mobil + 91 9225633948 + 91 9324509268

> --
> -B

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