What is your intention for submitting the modification template below?

Please reply to this message to confirm that the following update
request should be completed. Enter A or ACK in item 0a if you agree.
Enter N or NAK in item 0a if you disagree. The request that was
submitted has been appended to this email message for your review.

***************** Please DO NOT REMOVE Version Number *****************

Notify Version Number: 1.0

************** Please see attached detailed instructions **************

0a. (A)ck (N)ak.....: NAK
0b. Comments........: Submitted (0845062597MDT) -


1a. Identifier......: SLIP-DOM
1b. Type............: D
1c. Tracking Number.: 970624.11974
1d. Message ID......:
1e. Notify..........: BEFORE-UPDATE
1f. Comments........:

Update to a domain record must be submitted by the current administrative
or technical contact of the domain. Both contacts have been notified of
this update request. If either contact replies to the message sent and
acknowledges that the request should be completed, the update will be

If you are a technical or administrative contact for this domain and you
are still getting this message maybe your auth info is not current.

And if your auth info is not current, update it using contact template.

voice (703) 742-4777