Domain Rant.

I think it is time ISPs take the matter in their hands. I.e. let ISPs
to perform registrations. Root serer operators can ensure uniqueness
just fine.

this is definitely where we are headed if the IAHC proposal stalls. i'm
already in contact with some of the larger ISPs about this subject.

It's not bad enough that Mr. Postel throws out an RFC process mid stream
and assumes god mode. Now you are pulling authority out of the air
aswell? Guys if you want your god mode, play by the rules that you set
down or go change those rules first! This "group of 7" b.s. is wearing
very thin and you're only going to find more business consumers of the
net legally dragging you across the carpet for it.

Tim Gibson


There has already been one Sherman Act related lawsuit filed. Collude with
others and RICO gets added to the mix.

I've been on NANOG list since the day of NANOG 9. I subscribed to hopefully
learn about current network operations issues and related software and
hardware technologies. I got the impression that this was a professional
trade mailing list.

Then the messages started coming...

So, here I am, reading messages about One World Government black helicopter
teams who conspire to control network registries, from groups of ignored
and (appropriately unempowered) people who seem to have root-server-envy,
now I've read about how RICO laws are inferred to about to be applied to
domain name registration.

What the hell is going on here? It's wacky!

I've really enjoyed reading about subjects that I assumed I would find on
this list: BGP and flapping, technical discussion of spam management,
network management tools, and network outages, etc.

As the Interenet grows, so, it seems, do my filtering rules. I just didn't
think I'd have to apply filters to a list with a subjectlike this.

I guess I was wrong? :slight_smile:

Add the discussion on T1 utilization ...

What the hell is going on here? It's wacky!

I've really enjoyed reading about subjects that I assumed I would find on
this list: BGP and flapping, technical discussion of spam management,
network management tools, and network outages, etc.

Wayne, I do agree with you that the discussion should not be off the
base too much, however, holding off an domain names of large ISPs
cause the Network Outages, which are the discussions of this group.

What are the technical solutions to bring the domain name back
immediately, instead of waiting for Monday/Wed/Friday 5:00pm updates.
To us as Network Operators, Internic is considered as our super network
operator (anyone disagree with this?), as they have the power
to shut down any ISP down any minute. We have 24x7 centers,
shouldn't Internic have the similar one?

2 to 3 days unreachable domain names are serious Network Outages
we NANOG members should look into.


Please, Please! I have five domains that I have already paid for put on
hold (or about to be put on hold in the next few days), I also have a
zillion "Invoice" notices cc'd to us from internic sent to customers that I
*know* have paid. Since we paid by credit card, I'm sure that we're going
to have to pay them *again* (at least one domain has already been paid
twice, this'll be the 3rd payment we have to make becuase internic can't
find a record that we paid, and our CC bill doesn't have the name of the
domain on it.)

It's just gross incompetence, and at this point I don't have much choice
but to throw the internic more of my money.


On Fri, 21 Mar 1997 09:34:32 -0800, Paul A Vixie <> spaketh: