Domain names for ISP infrastructure links

> So how do we name internal links in a way that is usefull for
> all operators, and conforms to the A-Z 0-9 and "-" and can
> be proposed as an RFC?

How about the Sprintlink:

I where not thinking on SL only, I where looking at something more


The speed thing is debatable, some people wants it, someone does not,
and someone are willing to pay me $50/mont to make DNS say OC3c on their

SL-POP-ROUTER is kindof Sprint specific, others have other ideas on
how to name routers, how about this;


Where "router" is something that is syntactically correct.

A cisco with a VIP in slot 0 and a hssi in PA-slot 1 with a HSSI port
in 0 would be;

Ts for timeslots on a chanalized card
Dlci for a flame-delay circiut


But instead of h0/0, use h0-0; s2-6; etc...

Is this actually usefull, the NOC person will be guided to the right
box/slot/port and can use other tools to figure out the media type,
wich is in my opionion not very usefull to knew.


Nope, my routers have another naming convention, bathroom is
for example, r29a..
