Documentation on generating IOS-XR prefix and as path sets with rtconfig

Can anyone point me to examples of using rtconfig to generate IOS-XR configs? Specifically prefix and as-path sets. My Google skills are coming up short. The man page for rtconfig does not mention IOS-XR but it is supposedly supported. I get no farther than 'rtconfig -config ciscoxr'.


I suggest you look at bgpq3 [1] instead, bgpq3 has support for IOS XR
prefix-sets & as-path-sets. You could look into using napalm [2] to
upload the resulting configurations to your routers.

Kind regards,



Can anyone point me to examples of using rtconfig to generate IOS-XR

I suggest you look at bgpq3 [1] instead, bgpq3 has support for IOS XR
prefix-sets & as-path-sets.

rtconfig does a bit more than prefix and as-path sets. the op may not
like the functional gap.

but i agree, bgpq3 is bitchin'

randy wrote:

Can anyone point me to examples of using rtconfig to generate IOS-XR
configs? Specifically prefix and as-path sets. My Google skills are
coming up short. The man page for rtconfig does not mention IOS-XR
but it is supposedly supported. I get no farther than 'rtconfig
-config ciscoxr'.

there's some support in the git master for irrtoolset
(GitHub - irrtoolset/irrtoolset: The Internet Routing Registry Toolset) for XR config in rtconfig.
It's been tested by at least one person.

If your main use case is handling prefix lists, you would be much better
off using BGPQ3. This tool is far superior to irrtoolset for handling
prefix lists and will output to json which means that you can import the
data directly into any scripting language you like rather than having to
deal with the limited syntax supported by rtconfig.
