[dns-operations] Desire to migrate back to BIND

Had forgotten to answer the list...

What I ask of the members of the community, is if you can make a
recommendation on a piece of software that can bridge the gap so
that my
colleagues can use the pointy-clicky method of making simple changes
(eg: A/MX, add domain etc) while keeping in mind that budget
considerations are crucial, and there will always be the potential for
someone making changes to the zone files directly (namely me).

Hi Steve,

There is BIND-DLZ and MyDNS to look at but I think both work directly
using a bind db driver so no possibility of editing the zone "by hand"
(unless you hack some export/import script using the zone transfer

My company developed something that works with both GUI and text zone
edition including versioning, but it's not open source unfortunately.
It can drive any auth. nameserver software, not just bind.

I'm sure there might be other solutions around that do this as well
(though I haven't found one yet :wink:



Thanks for the recommendations...

What I'm most confused about, is how this ended up on this list :wink:


Webmin has already been recommended, and I appreciate the thought.

However...there's just no way that I'm going there...


Steve Bertrand (steve) writes:

Thanks for the recommendations...

What I'm most confused about, is how this ended up on this list :wink:

  <conical hat>

  Duh. I did a reply from my iPhone, and then reread the mail that
  came in, saw your "what I ask from the community" and realized I'd
  forgotten to copy the list.

  Then I typed "n" instead of "d" an it completed to Nanog instead of
  dns-operations@lists.dns-oarc.net :slight_smile:

  Sorry for the noise :frowning:
  </conical hat>