dns - golog

Simon Waters wrote:

[ SNIP ]

I think one problem is that IANA doesn't have a "brand name", so when you buy

IANA has nothing to do with routing policy and neither does ICANN. ICANN
has no authority through any contract vehicle inside any network. Do you
have some information contrary to that?

an Internet connection you aren't told you are getting an IANA DNS,

There's no such a thing as IANA DNS. The DoC controls the root DNS
zone file. IANA distributes and does change management.

that is
assumed. The interesting question is whether that is sustainable if a lot of
ISPs provide a non-IANA DNS service. There may be an argument for saying that
"non IANA DNS" services can't be described as "Internet services", but that
is an issue for ICANNs lawyers.

No, actually, it's not.

> <http://www.circleid.com/posts/techies_wanna_do_policy/&gt;http://www.circleid.com/posts/techies_wanna_do_policy/

Karl was so wrong on the F root-server issue. Paul asserted no new right, most

ISC asserted that they own IP address space and can control the
routability, contrary to standard Internet and operator policy.
They can't, and I doubt anyone is very worried about a lawsuit
from ISC. Legal geniuses they are not.
