DNS deluge for x.p.ctrc.cc

So I was catching up on old unread nanog mail and I came across YAIGP
(Yet Another Insulting Gadi Post)

Knowing that usenet archives are the great internet intelligence
equalizer, I thought I'd pass along these humorous links.

(or tiny) http://tinyurl.com/mnbk4

with special attention payed to:

You ever find out how to hack those shell accounts?


Did you find a nice home for those bots?

Anyway Gadi, please take your vacuous posts elsewhere and I promise
I'll do the same.

Thanks and apologies to everyone for the interruption.

Randy Bush wrote:

this would be a fine thread to discuss on dns-operations, which a
bunch of you here have already joined.

i joined but have never seen a message on that list. and this
discussion seems useful. maybe we should not do a gadi?


Or a Randy. Oops, you just did.

Any chance you can let Gadi Evron know? :slight_smile: At least some anonymous cowards do some interesting SMTP spoofing.

As to the DNS thread going on over at the DNS-operations mailing list, apparently these amplification attacks have been going on for a while now (i.e. "longer than we think").

One good thing that may come out of this aside to dealing with badly handled recursion is more attention to BCP38 now that somehow people believe working on it is important enough.

Two good things out of one bad, I call it a win.

Like Barry Greene said, there are not bad sides or immense costs to implementing BCP38. Now that people are believers maybe next time we will all be smarter when we have "currently not exploited problems" to fix. :o)


apparently these amplification attacks have been going on for a while
now (i.e. "longer than we think").

yes, atleast 6 years...

One good thing that may come out of this aside to dealing with badly
handled recursion is more attention to BCP38 now that somehow people
believe working on it is important enough.

more attention to bcp38... because things changd how?

Like Barry Greene said, there are not bad sides or immense costs to
implementing BCP38. Now that people are believers maybe next time we

I'm fairly certain barry didn't say this as he knows well the actual
immense cost to implementing it... anyway, dead thread let's leave it that