DNS: Definitely Not Safe?

mea culpa, mea maxima culpa :frowning:
my intention, when suggested that reading, was to get your attention about that recent attack which targeted DNS top-level servers and to listen your opinions.
i promise not to post porn, ops, FUD material to nanog again.


Marlon Borba, CISSP, DataCenter Associate
Técnico Judiciário - Segurança da Informação
TRF 3ª Região
(11) 3012-1683

my intention, when suggested that reading, was to get your attention
about that recent attack which targeted DNS top-level servers and to

i thought it was actually covered on-list... during the event, no?

listen your opinions. i promise not to post porn, ops, FUD material to
nanog again.

no one said anything about porn...

what is interesting to me is the "ripple" effect - kind of like the childrens game of "telephone".
  second, third, and fourth hand interpretation of the events allows the reporter to project their own
  worst nightmares onto the event ... for some, its a way to raise the spector of fear, giving them
  credence or the opportunity to market their particular services to the huddled, fearful masses.

  and to borrow a line from another bit of this thread, http and dns are both applications. applications
  are vulnerable to attacks that exploit the underlaying protocols. the BEST we can do, w/o replacing
  IP & TCP/UDP is instrument the applications to alert us that there is a problem. And the actions
  you (as the target of packet love) take may make your local life manageable, (compartmentalization)
  can have devestating impact on your peers/neighbors.

  so don't worry, your posts seem fine to me


I don't think it was especially covered on this list (you are no doubt thinking of other lists). There was a lightning talk about it in Toronto, for which slides can be found in the usual place.


I don't think it was especially covered on this list (you are no
doubt thinking of other lists). There was a lightning talk about it
in Toronto, for which slides can be found in the usual place.

or I was thinking 'nanog meeting' not 'nanog list' :frowning: oh well.

Joe Abley <jabley@ca.afilias.info> writes:

i thought it was actually covered on-list... during the event, no?

I don't think it was especially covered on this list (you are no
doubt thinking of other lists). There was a lightning talk about it
in Toronto, for which slides can be found in the usual place.

I think between the list and the lightning talk, it got the level of
attention it deserved.
