DNS - Bind database

I'm looking for a database to drive creation of the BIND config and zone
files. I've been doing it for years myself, but have turned it over to
Customer Service, who cannot seem to get the concept of maintaining forward
and reverse mapping. I run BIND 8 on Solaris, so something that runs under
Solaris (not MickeySoft) is preferable. Both web and local shell database
modification is definitely a plus. I'd rather not reinvent the wheel by
programming this myself.


I'm looking for a database to drive creation of the BIND config and zone
files. I've been doing it for years myself, but have turned it over to
Customer Service, who cannot seem to get the concept of
maintaining forward
and reverse mapping. I run BIND 8 on Solaris, so something that
runs under
Solaris (not MickeySoft) is preferable. Both web and local shell database
modification is definitely a plus. I'd rather not reinvent the wheel by
programming this myself.

The tinydns authoritative dns server from Bernstein's djbdns package allows
you to create A and PTR records with a single entry in the data file, like


See djbdns: Domain Name System tools. See also http://www.djbdns.org for some
LDAP and SQL backends for djbdns.

I haven't used it personally, but ProBIND looks like it will do what you
want(and it's free.) http://probind.sourceforge.net

Customer Service, who cannot seem to get the concept of maintaining forward
and reverse mapping. I run BIND 8 on Solaris, so something that runs under
Solaris (not MickeySoft) is preferable. Both web and local shell database
modification is definitely a plus. I'd rather not reinvent the wheel by
programming this myself.

We do it with perl and Sybase on Linux, with a web interface (perl) for
customer service people. hardest part was all the sanity checks for stupid
data entry errors ie: adding/delete trailing periods, standardizing MX
values... a small perl script runs every hour with more sanity checks,
then dumps out new text files for named to read.

Side benefit: trusted competent customers (and yes, they do exist)
get certain records and fields available for themselves to

Ours is to integrated into too may other things to be useful by itself,
but the DNS side was a solid weekend of coding: about 20hrs.
but made my life easier and harder (I liked hand editing text files).

We have developed and are possibly open-sourcing an authoritative nameserver
that sits directly on any database you might have. Current backends include
mysql, pgsql, mssql/sybase, 'bind compatibility' and the very buzzword
compliant CORBA backend.

Should anybody be interested or have ideas, please let me know.

