DNS announcement question

I have a question about the way DNS records are announced/handled. Thank
you in advance for any insight into this, and I hope this isn't too far off
topic for discussion here.

- I have a domain whose MX and DNS is handled by registrar ABC
    and I am moving that domain to registrar XYZ.

- I have verified (via dig) the proper config on the new registrar.

- This has nothing to do with donotcall.gov :wink:

1) How does one registrar 'win out' over a second registrar when
   updating root servers?

2) How can I verify that the domain will be properly 'announced'
   to the root servers by the new registrar?

-Jim P.

You may wish to read up on domain names and DNS, you can probably google
something up or heres the RFCs


Your questions are off the mark somewhat, you must whois the domain to check you
have the correct DNS servers the query (dig) the domain on that DNS to check its
resolving what you want it to.

I have a question about the way DNS records are announced/handled. Thank
you in advance for any insight into this, and I hope this isn't too far off
topic for discussion here.

- I have a domain whose MX and DNS is handled by registrar ABC
    and I am moving that domain to registrar XYZ.

- I have verified (via dig) the proper config on the new registrar.

You are mixing the registrar and DNS functions, you need whois to determine the
registrar's settings

1) How does one registrar 'win out' over a second registrar when
   updating root servers?

Its a hierarchy, the root/gtld will have a set of authoratitive DNS servers for
the domain, theres no propogation etc. So the answer is the DNS go to whatever
the registrar has set the DNS servers to be

2) How can I verify that the domain will be properly 'announced'
   to the root servers by the new registrar?



Well, kinda sorta. By far, most of the time whois is correct.

However, this is gauranteed to tell you the actual situation:

dig -t ns <domain> @a.gtld-servers.net


Granted :slight_smile: I read the question in future tense, Ie I have requested this change,
I dont see it yet, can I check they have altered the domain DNS servers hence
you'd need whois

OK, I seem to have missed identifying a finer point.

Both registrars (old and new) also host the DNS records for the domain
(actually several domains). My question is which registrar (both are fully
configured) will ultimately win at the root server, and how is this

The mail and web servers are up and running, and their IP addresses are not
going to change. I just want to guarantee that when the account on
registrar ABC is fully removed that registrar XYZ will begin DNS
announcements to the root servers.

Thank you for the responses so far, as well as the pointers to additional

-Jim P.

1) How does one registrar 'win out' over a second registrar when
   updating root servers?

It's important not to confuse registry services (in which a central registry of names and metadata is maintained by various authorised parties) and name service. They are related, but different. This confuses people, because single companies frequently provide both registry services and nameserver services.

Here's a registry answer to your question:

In the ICANN-model registry/registrar/registrant structure (which is used for most gTLDs and also, to varying degrees of approximation, by various ccTLDs) a single domain is sponsored by a single registrar. Only the sponsoring registrar is able to influence the way that the delegation for the domain is published in the registry's zone. The process of changing the sponsoring registrar is called a transfer operation, and is performed by either the losing or winning registrar at the request of the registrant.

Here's a nameserver answer to your question:

The parent (superordinate) zone will contain a delegation to a set of nameservers which corresponds to your domain name. The nameservers specified therein will be used by recursive resolvers to locate nameservers which are authoritative for your zone, in order to resolve queries which fall within your domain. Other nameservers may purport to speak authoritatively for your zone, but unless the delegation in the parent zone includes them in the NS set, a recursive lookup will not find them.

2) How can I verify that the domain will be properly 'announced'
   to the root servers by the new registrar?

Here's a registry answer to this question:

Find some way of querying the registry in question for your domain (for com/net domains, you might try using whois against whois.crsnic.net; in general, for registry zone $z you can take advantage of Centergate's very useful whois-servers.net domain and try a whois query against $z.whois-servers.net). You should see some indication of the sponsoring registrar, and other metadata which you can verify.

[jabley@buffoon]% whois -h org.whois-servers.net isc.org
... tedious legal rambling...
Domain ID:D2338103-LROR
Domain Name:ISC.ORG
Created On:04-Apr-1994 04:00:00 UTC
Last Updated On:05-Mar-2002 02:24:11 UTC
Expiration Date:05-Apr-2004 04:00:00 UTC
... etc, etc

Here's a nameserver answer to your question:

Check the parent zone for the delegation, and ensure that your domain has been delegated to the right nameservers. To do that, find a nameserver which is authoritative for the parent zone and send it a query for a name under your domain. For added credit, don't request recursion when you send the query.

[jabley@buffoon]% dig ns org.

; <<>> DiG 8.3 <<>> ns org.
;; res options: init recurs defnam dnsrch
;; got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 4
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 9, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;; org, type = NS, class = IN

org. 5d23h59m51s IN NS L7.NSTLD.COM.
org. 5d23h59m51s IN NS M5.NSTLD.COM.
org. 5d23h59m51s IN NS A7.NSTLD.COM.
org. 5d23h59m51s IN NS C5.NSTLD.COM.
org. 5d23h59m51s IN NS E5.NSTLD.COM.
org. 5d23h59m51s IN NS F7.NSTLD.COM.
org. 5d23h59m51s IN NS G7.NSTLD.COM.
org. 5d23h59m51s IN NS I5.NSTLD.COM.
org. 5d23h59m51s IN NS J5.NSTLD.COM.

;; Total query time: 2 msec
;; FROM: buffoon.automagic.org to SERVER: default --
;; WHEN: Sat Jun 28 13:13:53 2003
;; MSG SIZE sent: 21 rcvd: 183

[jabley@buffoon]% dig @l7.nstld.com isc.org SOA +norecurse

; <<>> DiG 8.3 <<>> @l7.nstld.com isc.org SOA +norecurse
; (1 server found)
;; res options: init defnam dnsrch
;; got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 28750
;; flags: qr; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 0
;; isc.org, type = SOA, class = IN

isc.org. 2D IN NS NS-EXT.VIX.COM.
isc.org. 2D IN NS NS1.GNAC.COM.

;; Total query time: 16 msec
;; FROM: buffoon.automagic.org to SERVER: l7.nstld.com
;; WHEN: Sat Jun 28 13:14:05 2003
;; MSG SIZE sent: 25 rcvd: 76


If the DNS speak in this message scares you, then either don't worry about it or buy and digest the Cricket book ("DNS and BIND", ISBN 0596001584). It's very readable and easy to follow, even with little or no prior knowledge of the DNS.


OK, I seem to have missed identifying a finer point.

You need to reread/do that google, you're mistaken in your understanding on what
is happening..

Both registrars (old and new) also host the DNS records for the domain
(actually several domains). My question is which registrar (both are fully
configured) will ultimately win at the root server, and how is this

There is no 'win' it is whichever set of DNS servers are configured on that
domain which is why I say do a whois on it and you will see.

The only time your old registrar can do something similar to 'winning' is if
they keep old records on their network and users local to their network
(customers) use their DNS with their wrong data, that is the only time tho and
most ISPs run different DNS servers for domain hosting to the ones customers use
so this scenario wouldnt occur at all

The mail and web servers are up and running, and their IP addresses are not
going to change. I just want to guarantee that when the account on
registrar ABC is fully removed that registrar XYZ will begin DNS
announcements to the root servers.

Ensure the whois reports the new DNS servers and ensure the new DNS servers give
the correct response!
