Disney+ Geolocation (again)

People can't watch Disney+. Looked at old emails, read them. Checked every geolocation site for my netblocks (which return ok). Emailed to netadmin@disneystreaming.com

They responded with "We do not service these requests via this email".

Now what? Anyone have a secret contact that can actually help?


Ugh, they used to.

I can’t stand these consumer-focused organizations that are irresponsible to the greater operator community.

I was told to go to help.disneyplus.com to resolve this, which just gives you the "you're on a VPN" page if you type in "error 73". I called anyway, and as I assumed they can't help me as an ISP calling in. (I did test to confirm with a friend's account but I'm not the account holder.) Even then, that doesn't help the overall "yeah our service works with every major streaming service *except* Disney+, so if you use them you'll have to call to convince them you're not using a VPN."

This isn't even a new network, I've had allocated to me since 2005. Why people insist on reinventing the geolocation wheel is beyond me.


Did you ask what the correct avenue was? I’m assuming you did. I’m also assuming they were of no additional help.

Specifically for Network Operators, you may email
TechOps-Distribution@disneystreaming.com for technical issues relating
to Disney+. Hope this helps.



I updated our page. :slight_smile:

< advertisement >


there is a draft-ietf-opsawg-finding-geofeeds as soon as draft
submission opens


From my understanding, they are using each of their respective CDN's

geo-blocking rules. Probably best to contact Akamai, Fastly, Limelight, etc
to make sure your IP ranges are flagged as in the US.


The page: http://thebrotherswisp.com/index.php/geo-and-vpn/

* sethm@rollernet.us (Seth Mattinen) [Sun 08 Nov 2020, 18:21 CET]:

I've had allocated to me since 2005.

So many IPs in possession for so long, yet so little reverse DNS:

* sethm@rollernet.us (Seth Mattinen) [Sun 08 Nov 2020, 18:21 CET]:

I've had allocated to me since 2005.

So many IPs in possession for so long, yet so little reverse DNS:
$ (for j in `jot 7 2`; do for i in `jot 255`; do host 74.118.15$j.$i; done; done) | grep -c NXDOMAIN

Not sure why that's a problem.

And a lame delegation for 159.118.74.in-addr.arpa.

The last /24 is not in use. I've been reserving it since free pool exhaustion in case I can't get more for some unknown reason. I suppose it would still count against me with a whole /24 of NXDOMAIN either way.

Hi Mike,

You may want to add

technical operations services team TechOps-Services@disneystreaming.com

We wrote to the distribution address and they replied forwarding it to services


Hi Mike,

You may want to add

technical operations services team TechOps-Services@disneystreaming.com

We wrote to the distribution address and they replied forwarding it to services


Hi Mike,

You may want to add

technical operations services team TechOps-Services@disneystreaming.com

We wrote to the distribution address and they replied forwarding it to services


In other words: “oops, I shouldn’t have given out the secret e-mail addresses that actually work."

I did try calling, and it's just an end user dead end.


Hi Mike,

You may want to add

technical operations services team TechOps-Services@disneystreaming.com

We wrote to the distribution address and they replied forwarding it to services


When I called the service rep had no idea what to do with an ISP calling in. Said they can't help without a subscriber account, nor escalate or open a ticket.


OK so an email address that isn’t supposed to be used but works or a phone call that should be used and is pointless for the purposes of this issue?

OK so an email address that isn’t supposed to be used but works or a phone call that should be used and is pointless for the purposes of this issue?

Are you just asking to confirm this is disney’s position? :joy::joy: it appears so!

As an outsider who lurks and normally sees these issues resolved swiftly off list I find this all fascinating and hilarious.

Who is a manager or high level engineer in charge at Disney streaming? I would like to make fun of them

— Dan