Discord contacts

Any contacts from Discord here? Just started seeing cloudflare blocking 250,000 IP addresses.



Apparently most of the Internet has been blocked from Discord, nevermind carry on.

Apparently most of the Internet has been blocked from Discord, nevermind carry on.

It happens the same to me here. My IP address is blocked by Cloudflare and I can’t access Discord.


a message of 172 lines which said:

Any contacts from Discord here? Just started seeing cloudflare blocking 250,000 IP addresses.

There is an unsubstiantated rumor (based on the fact that, from the
same IP address, it works with one browser but not the other) that
Cloudflare detects somehow programs that run a vulnerable version of
libwebp and block them (may be there are dangerous images sent on
Discord). As I said, no evidence, just a rumor, but a funny one.

This issue is also happening with services other than Discord, so
pointing to a Cloudflare issue.

Discord may be just the canary in the coal mine.



Here, now I can open Discord again in my browser.

I don't know if this is related or not, but we've been working a strange issue with a Cloudflare-hosted site for weeks now, where some source IPs incur a 45-60 second delay on page-loads to a specific web-site, but other source IPs load instantaneously.

We can't find a common denominator. We've tested from the same physical location using two different subnets, and one works; the other misbehaves. We've ruled out that it's not a superblock thing either.

Both we and the web-site owner have tickets open with them.

In our ticket, they actually conceded that they were able to reproduce the problem internally, but it still hasn't gotten anywhere.
