
the users' dilemma: do you buy a mac today, or wait six month hoping
they will fix X (for your particular X)?

the sysadmins' dilemma: do you install today's critical update or wait a
day until the next one is out before you reboot 50 servers?

Neither. You wait for the normal patch cycle because the other six
barriers to exploiting the vulnerability will work just fine until

The vulnerability that cuts through every layer of a well engineered
defense is rare.

Bill Herrin

As is the well-engineered defense.


yep. and thanks for the forward, reminding my why i have a long


yep. and thanks for the forward, reminding my why i have a long

if this is an attempt to simply publicly mock someone on the nanog list i
have a polite request: keep your snark to yourself.

this kind of uncivil behavior is part of what keeps this community so
homogenous as it appeals only to people willing to put up with this kind of
public nastiness. as someone who i thought supporting increasing diversity
in our community, i would expect a higher standard of professionalism and
inclusion from you.

this may also tend to keep you off of everyone else's increasingly long
(but possibly less public) mail filters.

apologies if i misunderstood your terse and otherwise apparently
content-free missive.



Randy Bush wrote:

the users' dilemma: do you buy a mac today, or wait six month hoping
they will fix X (for your particular X)?

Apparently, they're bringing out an upgraded upgrade soon:

Benjamin Button Reviews The New MacBook Pro (Pinboard Blog)

I'm going to wait for this one before buying. Looks like a much better
option than what's on the table right now.


Benjamin Button Reviews The New MacBook Pro (Pinboard Blog)

I'm going to wait for this one before buying. Looks like a much better
option than what's on the table right now.

i loved that one!

It is more: Do I wait for a Mac desktop that doesn't suck, or do I build a Hackintosh?