difference with caching when connected to telia internet

Regarding, caching services like Netflix OCA and Google GGC, does anyone
know if there is something strange that occurs when connected to Telia BGP
AS1299 ? .meaning, if I have local Netflix/google caches, and then later I
establish a BGP session for Internet with Telia/BGP 1299, would there be
something that would make netflix and google caches reachable via Telia look
better than my local ones ?!


Shouldn't be. It could just be that the content on the cache locally is not what the user is requesting.

Thanks, but James, you would not believe how rapidly the traffic to my local
caches drop off, *and* on the same day I brought up my new Telia internet
connection. ...and furthermore, my internet inbound traffic went *through
the roof*


* aaron1@gvtc.com (Aaron Gould) [Fri 17 Mar 2017, 17:05 CET]:

Thanks, but James, you would not believe how rapidly the traffic to my local caches drop off, *and* on the same day I brought up my new Telia internet connection. ...and furthermore, my internet inbound traffic went *through the roof*

Did you talk to Netflix and to Google's GGC team to confirm that they were still directing your customer towards your on-net caches?

  -- Niels.

The cache box does need to fill.

Most probably they silently readvertise BGP announces of customers to their caches.
Maybe just announce less specific prefixes to Telia, and more specific to caches?
Also at least GGC has BGP communities for priorities.

Yes I did...

Netflix said, they are rcv'ing same prefixes with lower cost in DFW !! I
have no idea why. Netflix told me to advertise shorter prefixes to my local
cluster... I'm doing it now. And strangely now the Netflix guy lost control
plane to one of my (2) nodes. Someone is running out to put hands on it

Ggc said, they are rcv'ing more specific routes at other locations! I have
no idea why this suddenly happened. Then suddenly BOTH of my ggc node
cluster bgp sessions are bouncing !

I don't touch these caches, hardly ever... suddenly all this :expressionless:


Dang why would they "silently" do that !? wouldn't that shot holes in my
caching purpose , also I just got off the phone with a Telia net eng in D.C.
, he said he doesn't know anything about why this is happening.

Thanks, I'm advertising more specific prefixes to local Netflix now... but
as I said in another email post.. suddenly one nf cache isn't reachable to
the nf engineer... and both ggc nodes bgp sessions are bouncing. :expressionless:

- Aaron

Thank you all for your advice and input. I wanted to circle back with you
all on this.

Turns out it was my fault. Doesn't seem that this was a Telia problem at

What happened was, when I turned up my new 10 gig Telia Internet connection
a few days ago, I needed to balance out my (4) 10 gig internet connections
so I chopped up a /17 into (4) /19's. When I did this, I was still
advertising the /17 to my local caches, but I was advertising the (4) /19's
, one on each of my (4) 10 gig internet connections. So the caches out on
the public internet were learning more specific prefixes (longer masks) then
my local caches were learning... so the caches on the internet were being
used instead of my local caches. Once google and Netflix tech support
helped to make me aware of this, I correctly sent the additional (4) /19's
to my caches and now all is well.

- Aaron

Hi Aaron,

What happened was, when I turned up my new 10 gig Telia Internet
connection a few days ago, I needed to balance out my (4) 10 gig
internet connections so I chopped up a /17 into (4) /19's. When I
did this, I was still advertising the /17 to my local caches, but I
was advertising the (4) /19's , one on each of my (4) 10 gig internet
connections. So the caches out on the public internet were learning
more specific prefixes (longer masks) then my local caches were
learning... so the caches on the internet were being used instead of
my local caches. Once google and Netflix tech support helped to make
me aware of this, I correctly sent the additional (4) /19's to my
caches and now all is well.

Please instead advertise the /17 on all your Telia uplinks. You should
*additionally* advertise the four /19s to the different links, but make
sure to tag them with the NO_EXPORT community so they don't propagate
outside Telia.

That way you get the traffic engineering you want (i.e., load balancing
of ingress traffic from Telia), while at the same time avoiding coming
across as a self-serving jerk to everyone else on the Internet by not
polluting their routing tables/FIBs with four entirely superfluous /19s.
