Did IPv6 between HE and Google ever get resolved?

Hey all, I’ve been having bad luck searching around, but did IPv6 transit between HE and google ever get resolved? Ironically, I can now get to them cheaply from a location we currently have equipment that has been Cogent-only, so if it fixes the IPv6 issue I’d like to make the move. Anyone peer with HE in general and want to share their experience offlist? With the price, if they’re a good option, I’d consider rolling them in to other locations where we have redundancy already, so the v6 isn’t as big a deal there.


I wasn’t aware of any issues between HE.net and Google;
are you sure you don’t mean HE.net and Cogent?


Ah. Sorry, the changed subject line didn’t thread in with this,
so this showed up as an unreplied singleton in my inbox.

Apologies for the duplicated response; at least this won’t
be a lonely singleton in anyone else’s inbox now. ^_^;


Hey all, I’ve been having bad luck searching around, but did IPv6 transit between HE and google ever get resolved? Ironically, I can now get to them cheaply from a location we currently have equipment that has been Cogent-only, so if it fixes the IPv6 issue I’d like to make the move. Anyone peer with HE in general and want to share their experience offlist? With the price, if they’re a good option, I’d consider rolling them in to other locations where we have redundancy already, so the v6 isn’t as big a deal there.


I wasn't aware of any issues between HE.net and Google;
are you sure you don't mean HE.net and Cogent?

thread subject still says 'google and he', I don't think there's ever
been problems between google/he for v6.
I think there are some issues from cogent - > he over v6 :frowning:

Looking at a sample AS6939 customer link I see no:
  ".* 174$"
  ".* 174 .*$"

routes in the bgp stream :frowning:

Looking at a AS174 customer link session I see no:
  ".* 6939$"
  ".* 6939 .*"

routes in the bgp stream :frowning:


thread subject still says 'google and he', I don't think there's ever
been problems between google/he for v6.
I think there are some issues from cogent - > he over v6 :frowning:

Looking at a sample AS6939 customer link I see no:
  ".* 174$"
  ".* 174 .*$"

routes in the bgp stream :frowning:

Looking at a AS174 customer link session I see no:
  ".* 6939$"
  ".* 6939 .*"

routes in the bgp stream :frowning:

Apologies, I do actually see a path from 174 -> 6939 (well 28 paths):
  174 <many different 3-5 asn> 6939 <customer asn>

it's clearly not all of HE -> Cogent, and it's clearly not supposed to
be working (I would think).

The routes you see are Cogent using IPv6 leaks.

We chase these down as we see them.

Obviously if Cogent is happy enough to use leaks, we could just give
them our IPv6 customer routes directly. :wink:

As a backbone operator, I'd prefer all routing we do (for at least the
first hop leaving our network) to be intentional. Perhaps they are the

Should I wait for to get an interesting email? (haha)


Wait, what?

Are you saying that they refused to peer - and then failed at refusing? :slight_smile:

Let them eat cake.

Perhaps you should bake them a cake. :slight_smile:

Are you saying that they refused to peer - and then failed at refusing? :slight_smile:

luckily, none of the rest of us have bugs. whew!

The cake was delicious and moist


“I’d like to buy a vowel. Can I get an ‘e’, pleas?” ^_^;;

Send them another cake…


Maybe I am just a tad bit illiterate on the the way a word on that cake can be spelled/used, but maybe Cogent doesn’t want to peer with a provider that cannot spell… :-\



plural noun: pleas




    used in polite requests or questions.

    “please address letters to the Editor”

I like that theory. Explains why they don't peer with Google ("googol"
being the correct spelling of the number) too.