Dial Up Solutions

You can use Asterisk. All you need a digium/sangom T1/E1 card and a box.


-- Nathan

I didn't think Asterisk had modem DSP and RAS code?! Huh?


No modem support - just PPP over ISDN B channels.

I didn't think Asterisk had modem DSP and RAS code?! Huh?

I was surprised to find IAXmodem (http://iaxmodem.sourceforge.net/), which
is "a software modem written in C that uses an IAX channel (commonly
provided by an Asterisk PBX system) instead of a traditional phone line and
uses a DSP library instead of DSP hardware chipsets."

It appears to be limited to 14.4k due to patent issues and handles faxes
only, but its existence suggests writing a software-only data modem should
be possible.

                                     -- Aaron

That's exactly what WinModems were, back in the day. The board was nothing more than a DAA, a codec, and an ASIC to transmit and receive the raw data. For V.34, the software required about 60 MHz of clock; for V.32 bis the load was closer to 24 MHz.

‎> I didn't think Asterisk had modem DSP and RAS code?!

In a way:


You don't need Asterisk but you can use it for logic, etc.
