Despamming wholesale dialup

This is off topic for this list, really; but I'd be happy to discuss this
with you. Can we talk about this off the list?



Let me explain the situation and see if I can get anyone to tell me how they
are handling it.

We are offering wholesale dialup ports. When a user connects he is
authenticated and can do whatever
it is he/she wants to do on the net. Unfortuantely some have decided that
they will relay spam off of other servers.

This is a problem.

To address this i have proposed installing filters that will only allow


folks to connect to
port 25 of the ISP that has bought the ports. This way they are not able to
relay off of anyone elses machine

The problem is for companies like ours that live by selling mail acounts to
users of other ISPs. They need POP and SMTP access to our mail servers, from
whereever they are calling. We are running sendmail v8.9.1 with all the
anti-relay stuff and RBL besides. The problem you have is the same one we have
for secured SMTP, maybe easier. How do you tell the site is secure? In this
case testing for open relays is well known.

What I really suggest, and this takes some work on your part, is to contact
site's admin and inform them of their open-relay status. If they won't close
the relay, block them. Alternatively, you can assume that if they haven't
gotten their relays closed by now they are too clue-less to do so and block
them immediately, with notification.

This works for sites that

(a) speak English
(b) have a clue
(c) aren't steeped in a dozen levels of bureaucracy that make it hard to
push changes like this through.

I don't think Harold's idea is a bad one.

[ On Wed, October 28, 1998 at 18:23:09 (-0500), Harold Willison wrote: ]

Subject: Despamming wholesale dialup

To address this i have proposed installing filters that will only
allow these folks to connect to port 25 of the ISP that has bought the
ports. This way they are not able to relay off of anyone elses
machine that is using port 25 and the buyer of the ports should have
the correct measures set up to prevent bulk mail from
going out.

That's an *excellent* solution! I'm *very* happy that any ISP in your
position would choose it, and doubly happy that you have!

Perhaps you should consider outsourcing your email -

Sssh! That'd mean /we/ have to deal with his spam. *grin*