Definition of ISP vs Transit provider

The FCC is about to reclassify "Broadband Internet Access Service" as an
information service instead of Telecommunications Service. This
prombpted the following question which isn't about the FCC action per say.

This is about how does one define Transit provider vs ISP ?

Cogent for instance acts as a transit provider to other networks but
also sells connectivity to companies.

Peer1 in Canada used to sell "transit" to a then small emerging ISP, but
as its sole transit provider, provided the BGP management as well as
peering at Torix. Is the service to the ISP still called "transit" ?

Or would ISP be defined as the organsation which assigns IPs to end
users via PPPoE of DHCP ?

One could argue that a network which assigns 4 or less IPs per customer
would be an ISP. But what about IPv6 where the ISP could give each end
user a /64 ?

Just curious to see if there are agreed upon definitions from the
network operators's point of view.

I note that large companies tend to do everything from transit, to
residential ISP, business ISP, libraries, airports etc. For Bell Canada,
it is almost all under AS577. So separating what is telecom and what is
information becomes more "interesting".

As a point of reference this is what I *think* the FCC defines as an ISP:

I can't seem to find the answer for this. But I'm curious as to what
exactly is proposed.

The FCC is about to reclassify "Broadband Internet Access Service" as an
information service instead of Telecommunications Service. This
prombpted the following question which isn't about the FCC action per say.

This is about how does one define Transit provider vs ISP ?

Corn on the cob vs. corn in a can.

Just curious to see if there are agreed upon definitions from the
network operators's point of view.


Bill Herrin

Regarding transit and traffic exchange, in today’s FCC Declaratory Ruling:

166. Deregulating Internet Traffic Exchange. Today, we return to the pre-Title II Order status quo by classifying broadband Internet access service as an information service, and in doing so, reverse the extension of Title II authority to Internet traffic exchange arrangements.603 There is no dispute that ISPs, backbone transit providers, and large edge providers are sophisticated, well-capitalized businesses.604 Indeed, the Title II Order acknowledged as much,605 and refused to impose “prescriptive rules” or even “draw policy conclusions concerning new paid Internet traffic arrangements.”606 Notwithstanding, the Title II Order cast a shadow on new arrangements in this sector by applying a range of common carrier requirements to Internet traffic exchange.

167. We believe that applying Title II to Internet traffic exchange arrangements was unnecessary and is likely to inhibit competition and innovation. We find that freeing Internet traffic exchange arrangements from burdensome government regulation, and allowing market forces to discipline this emerging market is the better course.607 Indeed, the cost of Internet transit fell over 99 percent on a cost-per-megabit basis from 2005 to 2015.608

168. We welcome the growth of alternative Internet traffic exchange arrangements, including direct interconnection, CDNs, and other innovative efforts. All parties appear to agree that direct interconnection has benefited consumers by reducing congestion, increasing speeds, and housing content closer to consumers, and allowed ISPs to better manage their networks.609 CDNs play a similar role.610 We believe that market dynamics, not Title II regulation, allowed these diverse arrangements to thrive.611 Our decision to reclassify broadband Internet access service as an information service, and to remove Title II utility-style regulation from Internet traffic exchange, will spur further innovation in this market.612 Returning to the pre-Title II Order light-touch framework will also eliminate the asymmetrical regulatory treatment of parties to Internet traffic exchange arrangements.613 As NTCA explains, the Title II Order imposed a one-sided interconnection duty upon last-mile ISPs—even though, especially in rural
areas, “many ISPs are a tiny fraction of the size of upstream middle mile and transit networks or content and edge providers.”614 The record reflects that the asymmetric regulation reduced incentives to share costs, and we anticipate that eliminating one-sided regulation of Internet traffic exchange and restoring regulatory parity among sophisticated commercial entities will allow the parties to more efficiently allocate the costs arising from increased demands on the network.615


For that matter, how does one distinguish between someone delivering IP packets, vs. someone offering frame relay, or ATM - which are clearly telecom services?

Miles Fidelman

Those normally come with ASRs and a tariff from the regulated side of things. At least from my experience anyway.

Well yes, but functionally, how is IP transport sufficiently different to make it an "information service" rather than a "telecommunications service?" At least that's the argument I'd make against reclassifying access services.


ISP: Anybody offering services over the internet, including Transit Providers.
Transit Provider: An internet service "transit" where the whole Internet can reach your advertised network addresses.



Though not an industry standard definition, we've defined them at a product level where I work. These have changed somewhat over the years, but pretty much fall along the following lines.

IP Transit: A wholesale product that does not include IP Addresses, email address, DNS, or any other "value-added" services. When customer has filed a 499-a, collection of USF surcharges is waived. Availability is typically limited to a sub-set of the total POP footprint and generally does not include access backhaul on our network.

Dedicated Internet Access: A product generally sold to businesses that includes IP addresses, recursive DNS, and 5 domain names. Available across the whole of the footprint and pricing includes backhaul on our network, but not off-net (3rd party) backhaul. USF is always assessed. (email and usenet services are defunct with our service, but I'm sure many still offer email).

I can see the second product definition for DIA being a pretty good match for your ISP definition, be that consumer broadband or what have you, with minor modifications.

FWIW, hope that's helpful.


Dave Siegel
Vice President
Product Management
1025 Eldorado Blvd
Broomfield, CO 80021
p: 720.888.0953
m: 520.229.7627