death of the net predicted by deloitte -- film at 11

"So assuming router state based multicast, how do you bill on that if
the stream is exploded on the opposite end of, or in the middle of, a
transit network?"

"You're likely getting it from a settlement free peer at the request of
your customer who has paid for you to deliver it to them. You can
choose to carry it once per customer or once for all your
customer paths. Using multicast the latter means you get to keep a
proportion of your extra users payment as profit instead of paying
network costs"

The simplified answer of "only as the stream actually transiting the
network" won't fly with most bean counters, because in their eyes,
every packet going through the network should be billed as bandwidth

Pardon me for suggesting they get themselves a viable business model
for their current traffic first. All you can eat flat rate broadband is
wonderful but not compatible with this argument

If heads were to be extracted from sand they may find people willing
to pay for a viable multicast model, extra cash for what their customers
have already paid for. End of net neutrality debate, supply something
extra people want to buy.

because while
multicast saves bandwidth generally, the bandwidth multiplies as it
transits a for-pay network, meaning that more resources are consumed
and thus ... could be billed for money.

Or not if we do P2P instead.

"Would you like your network lightly or totally spammed?"

Traditional v4 multicast, then, is unlikely to see deployment outside
of an organiation's own garden network, and you have near zero uptake.

User demand isn't going away, lots of those gardens will have multicast
when they find it useful. As we agree such islands will exist it's a
short step to thinking what if all this was connected together into one
big network, we could call it an internet

Alternatively, if they stay islands an enterprising company may decide
there's value in getting access to each island and selling a one stop
easy access service. Others may follow and then we're back to
that internet thing.
