Dear Windstream engineers

Why doesn't Windstream have RTBH for their BGP customers? It cannot be impossible to implement.

vote with your wallet?

You offer this service to your customers, don’t you? :wink:

Seriously, it’s a good question. Most IP transit providers offering BGP services do offer RTBH.

vote with your wallet?

If this doesn't change, then that's the plan at the conclusion of the contract.

You offer this service to your customers, don’t you? :wink:

source based RTBH requires urpf, which while generally available may
have practical limitations on implementation.


source based RTBH requires urpf, which while generally available may
have practical limitations on implementation.

I'd say uRPF/loose is one way to do it on some platforms. In JunOS for
longest time it was not possible, and in default config it still is
not, as source route pointing to null does not fail uRPF/loose check.
However JunOS has had ~always SCU (I compare it to QPPB in CSCO) which
can be used to implement source based RTBH, without use of uRPF. It
likely out-performs uRPF/loose massively, as you don't have to do two
LPM lookups.