DE-CIX vs Equinix

What are the main difference between these two peering companies,
exchanges, and overall operating model? The market in question would be
Dallas Texas where Equinix already has the only established peering
exchange with over 100 members, and DE-CIX just announced today that that
would also be building one in Dallas. It will take time for DE-CIX to
establish their exchange in Dallas and get members, but they better
question is why would people switch?

For a 10G port with a cross connect to the exchange included Equinix
charges $1000 per month. According to DE-CIX it looks like they charge
$1250 per month for a 10G port in NYC, so I asusme the same would be true
in Dallas.

Looks like DE-CIX will offer a promo to entice new members to join, and
their exchange will be in the carrier neatural meet me room operated by the
infomart that will have little to no cross connect fees.

Why would people pay more to connect to an exchange with less members? What
is the european exchange that is a non-profit and basically only covers the
cost of operating the exchange?

My knee-jerk response would be that the big EU exchange points are
trading on their name - as being well-known, well-run exchange points -
to get traction in markets outside of EU, that may or may not have
established exchange points.

Whether operators see value in that is an exercise left up to the reader.


What are the main difference between these two peering companies,
exchanges, and overall operating model? The market in question would be
Dallas Texas where Equinix already has the only established peering
exchange with over 100 members, and DE-CIX just announced today that that
would also be building one in Dallas. It will take time for DE-CIX to
establish their exchange in Dallas and get members, but they better
question is why would people switch?

    In short, Equinix is by far and large a data center operator and
the Internet exchange is an add-on service only available within their
data center locations. DE-CIX is an exchange point operator who
operates in multiple dis-parent data center locations.

For a 10G port with a cross connect to the exchange included Equinix
charges $1000 per month. According to DE-CIX it looks like they charge
$1250 per month for a 10G port in NYC, so I asusme the same would be true
in Dallas.

    I would not use DE-CIX NYC pricing as a benchmark. As DE-CIX
learned, NYC is a very difficult market to get connectivity and to
build an exchange in. As such their operating costs are a lot
higher than in other markets and I don't believe it would be a good
assumption to use NYC based pricing in Dallas. But keep in mind,
DE-CIX likes to distribute their network access nodes to get a larger
audience than within ones own facility.

    Also, I would suggest looking at the big picture and the cost of
colocation services in a facility other than Equinix to "level the
playing field".

Looks like DE-CIX will offer a promo to entice new members to join, and
their exchange will be in the carrier neatural meet me room operated by the
infomart that will have little to no cross connect fees.

Why would people pay more to connect to an exchange with less members? What
is the european exchange that is a non-profit and basically only covers the
cost of operating the exchange?

     As stated above, when looking at the big picture, it may or may
not be more expensive when all of your other services are considered.

    It should be said that I don't have any axe to grind and think
very highly of Equinix. But with respect to Dallas, I would suggest
looking at bigger picture and see if your assumptions still hold true.


As DE-CIX learned, NYC is a very difficult market to get connectivity
and to build an exchange in. As such their operating costs are a lot
higher than in other markets

circuits in the states are more painful than northern europe, japan,
etc. a bunch of smaller isps in the states were annoyed at equinix's
domination of the east coast markets so encouraged some european
community exchanges to colonize. what they did not do was offer to
subsidize any surprizes in expense, gaining a market foothold, etc.
this is sometimes known as "let's you and him fight."


I would expect DE-CIX to repeat what they've done elsewhere and expand the IX into any reasonable building in the metro area, greatly increasing its available member count and bringing the IX to places where Equinix isn't.

Agreed. It costs more to transport an IX to another location than the IX makes off of the port they sold you.


You mentioned to not use " DE-CIX NYC pricing as a benchmark" for Dallas,
but it looks like DE-CIX has priced their Dallas ports, according to their
website, at the same prices at NYC:

PortSpeed/GbpsMRC1GE1US$ 57510GE10US$ 1,250100GE100On request

Pricing table effective from 1 August 2015.

There is a special offer:

*Join us now and get your 1GE or 10GE port free of charge for*

   - *6 months* (minimum contract term of 12 months) or
   - *12 months* (minimum contract term of 36 months).

So it seems that their 10G port price, after promo, is $1250, and it does
not mention cross connect would be included. Compare this to Equinix's 10G
port with a cross connect included at $1000 per month. Considering Equinix's
cross connects are usually $350 per month, this means Equinix's actual 10G
port really cost $650 per month.

So, I will ask the question again, why are providers going to jump and
use DE-CIX
over Equinix's peering exchange? I am failing to see the benefit.
I thought it would be price, but apparently not.

I'd expect that eventually DE-CIX will build into every Dallas datacenter as they have done in New York and Germany whereas Equinix is only available... in Equinix.

Does DE-CIX usually go to market with at least some of the big content
providers already on board? For example, will guys like Netflix, Google,
and other CDN's more than likely be on the exchange starting day 1?

How does DE-CIX work if you want to cross connect over the exchange to
another provider in a different on-net datacenter of the exchange in the
same metro market?

Usually on a distributed exchange, everyone on the same fabric is available at the same standard price. Local datacenter or the furthest datacenter, same price.

Look at what happened in NYC. I'd expect something similar in Dallas, though I have no inside information behind that.

I’m not sure, but you may be looking for the GlobePEER service

This seems to be included in your port price.

Regards, Marc