DC fiber cut: field report

[ Apologies in advance, this doesn't contribute to official Nanog business,
   please direct flame directly to me. ]

After a hot tip on the location of the fiber cut, and with Map Quest in
hand, we went to search out the location of todays 500+ DS3 DC fiber cut.

We were looking for a bunch of white vans and pick-ups with guys in hard
hats and orange vests along the train tracks in Northern Laurel, MD - our
search was fruitfull and within 10 minutes of locating the tracks we
had found the scene of the cut. It is located off the Baltimore
Washington Parkway at the Route 32 exit about 1/2 mile from the NSA
(hmm) along CWX railroad tracks.

Does anyone know (in general terms) how the actual spot/vicinity of a fiber
cut like this is located? Or its generally the construction crew calling
the boss and saying, shit, look what we found?

Would appriciate any info.


/Subodh Nijsure (subodh@best.com)

Shoot one of the fibers with a TDR. This will tell you how far away the
break is. The carrier generally has maps of the route and they can pin
point the location within a close enough tolerence to find the break.
We had a break in the street in Manhatten and we told the carrier how
far it was and it only took the a few minutes to locate it.


Subodh Nijsure wrote: