DC fiber cut: field report

After a hot tip on the location of the fiber cut, and with Map Quest in
hand, we went to search out the location of todays 500+ DS3 DC fiber cut.

We were looking for a bunch of white vans and pick-ups with guys in hard
hats and orange vests along the train tracks in Northern Laurel, MD - our
search was fruitfull and within 10 minutes of locating the tracks we
had found the scene of the cut. It is located off the Baltimore
Washington Parkway at the Route 32 exit about 1/2 mile from the NSA
(hmm) along CWX railroad tracks.

About 7 vehicles with WorldCom and Wiltel logo's and about 15 people
strung out along a dusty portion of the tracks. In the distance a large
back hoe and a construction company van, not a good sign. A piece of
black cable about the width of a quarter lay strung along the tracks and
one piece could be seen sticking out of the dirt, the white innards
splayed out. We had found the cut.

There was a gentleman with a white hard hat that said "WorldCom" sitting
near a pit with another person in hard-hat hunched over a portable
work-bench working on a cable. We asked what happened and no one knew,
but obviously from the back-hoe and railroad construction in the area,
not much explanation was needed. What time did it happen? "About 9am"
Who's cable was it? "WorldCom - we lease fiber to all the other

I mentioned we had heard about it on the Internet and everyone seemed to
perk up. Yes, they were famous. The scale of the cut was beyond anyones
guess. It was a single cable laid in the dirt carrying 144 strands of
fiber. How many DS-3's this was could be a lot more then 500 DS3's.

As we left it struck me that this cut was not if, but when. And more cuts
like it. There was no protection for the cable, no markers of the cable

I was also left with the impression that once right-aways are cleared,
laying cable seems like a relativly cheap operation considering the cost
of bandwidth over it's life-time. I wonder if there's a FAQ on becoming a
cable maven..


p.s. no estimate on what it will be up.

->As we left it struck me that this cut was not if, but when. And more cuts
->like it. There was no protection for the cable, no markers of the cable

The no markers part baffles me. Engineers of yore are surely turning in
their graves.
I wonder how many of the cuts (including the 2? 3? today [Fri]) are
due to lack of markings? And why no markings? My speculation is that
the suits have short-term-profit tunnel vision, and decided to bag them
in the name of the bottom line, but if anyone has other ideas, I'd be
interested in hearing them.
Stephen, the first sentence in your quoted portion is prescient in light
of today's events.
jamie jamie@comet.net

Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 17:31:32 -0400 (EDT)
From: jamie@comet.net (jamie)
To: Stephen Balbach <stephen@clark.net>
Cc: nanog@merit.edu
Subject: Re: DC fiber cut: field report

->As we left it struck me that this cut was not if, but when. And more cuts
->like it. There was no protection for the cable, no markers of the cable

They're giving such more service that they are affraid of vandilism of the
lines if they show people where they are?