Day tickets

On the DLV thread, but not responding to anybody in particular.

As soon as you allow people to attend 1 talk for free, then you opened the
door for people attending without paying. OTOH, I don't think that it is
fair to ask people to pay the whole $350 if they only want to attend a few

For the RIPE meeting, this has been solved by introducing day tickets.
People who don't want to attend the whole meeting, can buy tickets for
individual days. They can attend the sessions they want, without feeling
guilty about using resources but also without having to pay the full fee
to attend only a few talks.

Maybe this can be considered for NANOG as well


APRICOT has something quite similar - register for whichever tutorials
/ tracks you want and pay for just those (though of course it works
out cheaper to pay for the entire mtg, beyond a certain point)

Something like this -


Moving to nanog-futures. Or trying, anyway.