Daily Industry and Government call for Commuinications infrastructure (fwd)

To all

I received yesterday morning from Mr. Montaigne Marcelin, Director of
Conatel the aid that has been given by Codetel to help the technicians in
the Telecommunications sector:

   1. 9 packs of rice 60 Kg
   2. 2 packs of beans 60 Kg
   3. 2 containers of oil 30 pounds each
   4. 4 herring boxes
   5. 354 containers of pica pica
   6. 2 boxes of plastic spoon
   7. 110 packs of water
   8. 4 boxes of polystyrene plate
   9. 2 packs of maggi
   10. 1 pack of salt
   11. 4 boxes of tomato pasta
   12. 3 rations of bananas
   13. 7 packs of spaghetti
   14. 4 gallons of hot sauce

The distribution of this aid is being coordinated by Napoleon Richard
(509-3746-5849) an associates member of the board of AHTIC. This aid is
provided to support the needy technicians families while they are making
themselves available to work,

Thanks to Mr. Edwin San Roman from CODETEL and all of you on the NANOG list
that has been pushing for that.


Reynold Guerrier
Network Engineer