
"John Neiberger" <> 4/12/04 8:51:58 AM

Scott Stursa <> 4/12/04 8:26:15 AM >>>

Two (possibly related?) phenomena:

1. Nothing from NANOG since yesterday.

2. .org TLD names not resolving

That's interesting. I hadn't noticed that it was all .org TLD names
that weren't resolving. I was considering posting a question regarding


problem I had just started to troubleshoot for a coworker where a


address wasn't resolving, but the address that it redirects to
would resolve correctly.

Quick followup to my own post. I shouldn't have said that all .org
names won't resolve because that doesn't appear to be the case, but it
does appear that some are not resolving.

Anyone know what's going on?


Examples would help... a quick sampling of .orgs seems to show them all
resolving just fine from my perspective on things.

Tim Wilde

> Quick followup to my own post. I shouldn't have said that all .org
> names won't resolve because that doesn't appear to be the case, but it
> does appear that some are not resolving.
> Anyone know what's going on?

Examples would help... a quick sampling of .orgs seems to show them all
resolving just fine from my perspective on things.

They seem to resolve fine from a number of web-based nslookup services.

From here, .com, .edu, .us, etc all resolve. Just not .org.

My best guess is that it's some kind of connectivity problem between us
and the nearest root server for that tld. Time to start digging, I guess.

(as for not getting NANOG mail, I'm seeing the replies to my post, so I
guess there was no problem. Thanks for the replies).