
Two (possibly related?) phenomena:

1. Nothing from NANOG since yesterday.

2. .org TLD names not resolving

Maybe a local (to here) problem, but I thought I'd inquire before I start
looking into it.

Scott Stursa wrote:

Two (possibly related?) phenomena:

1. Nothing from NANOG since yesterday.

2. .org TLD names not resolving

Maybe a local (to here) problem, but I thought I'd inquire before I start
looking into it.

Interesting. Cox Central mail was dead from about 1300 Central
yesterday until about a half-hour.

This is the first item to come through (aside from a self-test)
since yesterday.

Obviously this one got through so something has changed.

I wonder if we had a major meltdown that they are not telling us

1. Nothing from NANOG since yesterday.

and you're complaining?

2. .org TLD names not resolving

horsepucky. and this is why i did not miss nangog
