Correction: 25 broadway and Abovenet equipment

I'm not a customer of Telehouse, so I don't receive their customer
notification bulletins directly. I rely on other peopel to pass
along the information.

Several folks have forwarded Telehouse updates to me, the ConEd generator
was refueled yesterday and has been running since then. Work continues
to fix the original generator.

My error was due to my misunderstanding a note from Abovenet. Abovenet
is just referring to their own equipment housed in Telehouse, which is
still down. Once again the rest of 25 Broadway came back up yesterday.

What is interesting to note is the varying degrees of successfulness
people are having in getting below Canal St.

I've talked to many who couldn't even walk down there; however, on Friday,
myself and a collegue, in a marked chevy suburban with commercial plates
and a blinking amber light were simply flagged through the barricades; we
drove all the way down mulberry and parked on whitehall st., about one
block south of the 'bull' (where broadway and whitehall split, which is
essentially where 25 bway is). We were then escorted by two armed national
guardsmen to the building, which is only about 4 blocks from 'ground

Weird, their page says:

"The Telehouse on 25 Broadway is back up. We are experiencing issues with
one of our routers there as a result of the power outage. At this time,
NYPD is not allowing access to the facility."

Oddly enough, I know of at least two people that got in today. Apparently
Telehouse can get you in if you arrange it with them beforehand.


I don't have specifics about access, as I am not working that side
of the problem. One of our three routers at Telehouse did not come
back when power was restored. We had a Telehouse tech confirm that
it had blinky lights (aka power), and had them power cycle it again
with no effect.

Due to the access limitations we're trying to make sure when we
get someone in there that they have a reasonable set of spair parts
with them so they don't have to turn around and go back. Hopefully
the box will be back up and running this morning.

The best information I have is that access is spotty, due to confusion
in the NYPD and national guard. Some people seem to be able to 'walk
right in', other people can't get close. *shrug*


The best information I have is that access is spotty, due to confusion
in the NYPD and national guard. Some people seem to be able to 'walk
right in', other people can't get close. *shrug*

We were able to get downtown fine yesterday. I think it depends on where
you cross the security line, as many of the military guarding the
perimeter aren't really sure who is allowed in and who isn't. There has
been a lot of people trying to get down over the weekend, including some
folks just wanting to see the site. There has been a lot of people
"pulling strings" to get down, including some NYPD that are flashing
badges just to look around.

I ended up helping some friends set some stuff up for a temporary
military office. We had armed soldiers nearby at all times.


- --
Matthew S. Cramer <> Office: 717-396-5032
Lead Security Analyst Fax: 717-396-5590
Armstrong Information Technology Services Pager: 717-305-3915
Armstrong World Industries, Inc. Cell: 717-917-7099