Core router bakeoff?

A real example from our core:

XXXXXXX-CoreX uptime is 38 weeks, 1 day, 7 hours, 49 minutes
System restarted by power-on

show version

Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) GS Software (RSP-K-M), Version 10.3(7), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 1986-1995 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 01-Nov-95 14:07 by vatran
Image text-base: 0x600087E0, data-base: 0x60530000

ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 5.3(16645) [szhang 571], INTERIM SOFTWARE
ROM: GS Bootstrap Software (RSP-BOOT-M), Version 10.3(8), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)

XXXXXX uptime is 102 weeks, 1 day, 8 hours, 47 minutes
System restarted by reload

10.3 was a fairly stable release.

The longest running devices on our network are likely some DECserver 100's
stuck somewhere long since forgotten. Every year or two, we get a phone
call about terminals not working and it turns out the original load host
for the terminal server had been upgraded several times in the last decade,
and eventually retired from service.

There is something to the saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."


Livingston PortMaster IRX ComOS 3.5R
System uptime is 269 days 20 hours 2 minutes

No comment.

[root@host-1 /root]# uptime
12:06pm up 192 days, 22:31

That's a PPro running Linux. Uptime would be higher if we hadn't
upgraded it.


I know, I know --- noise, but I couldn't help it this time...

  5:35pm up 405 days, 1:15, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
User tty from login@ idle JCPU PCPU what
root tty1 9Mar96 w

That was a Linux/Intel dual-ether router -- it finally crashed about 5
weeks later after a major power-failure when the UPS battery ran out.

I agree with the previous comment of "if it ain't broke..." The above
machine was running 1.0x (I think it was .09) kernel even though 2.0 was
out, but it was performing fine as it was (btw, the login shown was the
console session logged in right after boot).


[root@host-1 /root]# uptime
12:06pm up 192 days, 22:31

That's a PPro running Linux. Uptime would be higher if we hadn't
upgraded it.

I've had a Linux box run some 540 days...only rebooted because I had to
physically move the system and I didn't want to crash the hard drive.

2 years is impressive though.