Contact w/ clue re: AT&T SMS email gateway?

Recently something seems to have changed with the email to
SMS gateway. Messages sent through the gateway suffer from the following:

1) Long delay in reaching the phone (intermittent)
   (yes I know there is no latency guarantee)

and, even more crippling,

2) Message comes through as just "SMS Message" instead of the SMTP
message content. And the sender is always 410-000-01x, where x
increments by 1 with each new incoming email-to-SMS gateway-handled message.

Phone is an iPhone 3GS. This has worked fine for quite a while. No
changes on the iPhone.

I have gone through normal AT&T Wireless Customer Service but there
isn't much clue there - had to explain what an email to SMS gateway is.

Anyone elese seeing this? Anyone from AT&T Wireless here?

Please contact me off-list.

Dave Pascoe

Dave Pascoe wrote:

Recently something seems to have changed with the email to
SMS gateway. Messages sent through the gateway suffer from the following:

1) Long delay in reaching the phone (intermittent)
   (yes I know there is no latency guarantee)

and, even more crippling,

2) Message comes through as just "SMS Message" instead of the SMTP
message content. And the sender is always 410-000-01x, where x
increments by 1 with each new incoming email-to-SMS gateway-handled message.

Phone is an iPhone 3GS. This has worked fine for quite a while. No
changes on the iPhone.

I have gone through normal AT&T Wireless Customer Service but there
isn't much clue there - had to explain what an email to SMS gateway is.

Anyone elese seeing this? Anyone from AT&T Wireless here?

I've had better luck with SNPP (Simple Network Paging Protocol) these
days and completely abandoned anything using SMTP gateways. Better
delivery performance in my experience than the SMTP gateways, but the
sender always shows up as "1600". I use Sprint.


If you do find anyone, can you ask them about the really annoying
reject-after-DATA problem?

That is, if 555-555-1234, for some reason is not authorized to receive
SMS, you get a 250 response after RCPT TO, but a 5xx after the DATA
is sent. So if the message had multiple recipients, some of which are
allowed to receive SMS, the message then fails for all of them.

Verizon also has this problem, BTW.

From another list:

" I am not sure if this has anything to do with your client's issue, but ask
if he/she has updated their iPhone software to version 3.1 Apparently, the
following telephony issue was addressed in 3.1:

o Telephony
CVE-ID: CVE-2009-2815

Available for: iPhone OS 1.0 through 3.0.1

Impact: Receiving a maliciously crafted SMS message may lead to an
unexpected service interruption

Description: A null pointer dereference issue exists in the handling of SMS
arrival notifications. Receiving a maliciously crafted SMS message may lead
to an unexpected service interruption. This update addresses the issue
through improved handling of incoming SMS messages. Credit to Charlie Miller
of Independent Security Evaluators, and Collin Mulliner of Technical
University Berlin for reporting this issue.
Here is the link to Apple's security notice:"

Aaron D. Osgood

Streamline Solutions L.L.C

P.O. Box 6115
Falmouth, ME 04105

TEL: 207-781-5561
FAX: 615-704-8067
MOBILE: 207-831-5829

Introducing Efficiency to Business since 1986.

I am having this problem the past week or so as well, along with some friends.
Have a iPhone 3GS also. However, seemed to be fine Monday.

Point of note: NONE of the cellular carriers treat SMS messages as "data".
SMS messaging is carried on the "Control" channel that works similar to the
"D" channel on a PRI

Aaron D. Osgood

Streamline Solutions L.L.C

P.O. Box 6115
Falmouth, ME 04105

TEL: 207-781-5561
FAX: 615-704-8067
MOBILE: 207-831-5829

Introducing Efficiency to Business since 1986.

Many people responded to me directly, so I thought I would summarize
my findings.

1) AT&T Customer Service never returned my call, despite saying they
would. I guess they couldn't get to the right folks. The occasional
curse of being in a really large company.

2) A very kind inside AT&T person from this list replied to me
privately and informed me that they had just cut over to a new gateway
for the consumer mail-to-SMS service and that they were experiencing
some issues with it. Perhaps the issue was a massive influx of
messages when they brought the system back, but that is just me
speculating. Doesn't explain the message body corruption issue,

3) Someone let me know that AT&T Wireless has a business offering
called Enterprise Paging:

This costs about $5.00 extra per month and offers a separate
email-to-SMS gateway and other SMS injection methods:
WCTP, SNPP, TAP . This service uses as
the gateway email address format.

Another benefit is longer messages - up to 456 characters. This can be helpful.

I opted for upgrading to Enterprise Paging. Solved the issue for me,
seems reliable, and offers options that give me value. Also has 24/7
support and (apparently) some sort of SLA.

Other reports indicate the consumer gateway has settled
down after the issues from last week.

Hope this helps some folks.
