Contact for

We've been advised by a client that they're incorrectly listing a /15. The listing is:


According to their FAQ they only take delistings via newsgroups and Google News isn't co-operating with me in regards to them. Meanwhilst we're affected with our range


It is unlikely you will find a direct contact for APEWS - your best bet is to get access to usenet through one of the Usenet providers or even through aioe or eternal-september.

APEWS is braindead in execution, if not in fact. They list about half
of all IPv4 space, and one might reasonably state that anyone using them
deserves their own self-inflicted SMTP intranet.


APEWS is one of the many fringe hobby DNSBLs run from kids bedrooms. Nobody has ever heard of any network using APEWS so your client can not possibly be experiencing any mail issue due to any APEWS listing.

Your client has simply looked up their IP address on some advert-laden "check your IP against a gazillion blacklists" website which happily reports every IP is 'listed' somewhere without mentioning that half the lists it checked against are not used by anyone except the kid running it.

  Steve Linford
  The Spamhaus Project


Most likely, given the toxic environment on USENET's NANAE, you'll
simply be derided, mocked, or harassed by the inhabitants there instead
of getting any sort of valid de-listing advice.


Nobody with half a brain uses it, especially not on a production
network rather than "man, his girlfriend and the family dog running a
linux box on a dsl line"

Ignore would be the best advice.

What do your LOGS say?
What did the BOUNCE say?


APEWS is braindead in execution, if not in fact. They list about half
of all IPv4 space, and one might reasonably state that anyone using


deserves their own self-inflicted SMTP intranet.


The link Andrew sent over contains some great advice - make sure to read
through to:

Steve Linford wrote:

APEWS is one of the many fringe hobby DNSBLs run from kids bedrooms.

I don't deny APEWS is pretty much useless, though I disagree with the (perceived) condescending sentiment about hobby projects. Many successful enterprises sprung from hobby projects.


So did spamhaus for quite a while.

But this is specifically in the context of dnsbls. Where steve's mostly right.