Console Servers

Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 16:53:02 -0400 (EDT)
From: Charles Sprickman <>

Hello all,

Here's what I've found out. It's a mix. If any one solution looks to
be the "winner" it's the roll-your-own solution. This is what I'm going
for since it's relatively cheap for low-density installs. The only
problem I'm finding is that it's tough to get a 1U box that has 2 PCI
slots open. 2U seems overkill. Since Compact Flash adapters are cheap
(about $20) and the cards themselves can be had for $59 (128MB), I'm going
to go diskless. I'll probably use conserver, but I'll be giving rtty a
try as well.

If anyone has pointers to cheap 1U or 2U's, I'm all ears. Just need a
minimal box, don't need much CPU for this.

With about 13 replies, I can report the following:

> Lantronix -

1 vote for, one against. The complaint was that the Lantronix has a very
bad management interface.

One issue is that there are two very different Lantronix boxes, the
SCSx00 and the SCSx20. The SCSx20 boxes were designed by Lightwave
Communications before they were bought out by Lantronix. They are
Linux boxes that reportedly have a very different management interface
from the 800/1600. I have used only the 1620 and, other than the high
price, I have been very pleased with them.

Despite the similarity of model numbers, the two product lines are
totally different.

I found a review of console servers from Network Computing that
reviewed quite a number of boxes at:

R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: Phone: +1 510 486-8634