Community list REACH

Hey out there.
I am in need of a list of community strings that REACH.COM accepts.
Does anyone have a list of these?
For the last several months I have been trying to get traffic coming
from reach to traverse a different path to my AS. This is proving to be
a project. Right now they are sending me traffic over Cogent and Cogent
doesn't have any decent communities for this type of thing. My
Australian customers are getting 400ms traceroutes coming through
Telstra > Reach > Cogent to us.

This is starting to get to be a VERY annoying problem.

James Ashton
Vortech, Inc

Hey out there.
I am in need of a list of community strings that REACH.COM accepts.
Does anyone have a list of these?
For the last several months I have been trying to get traffic coming
from reach to traverse a different path to my AS. This is proving to be
a project. Right now they are sending me traffic over Cogent and Cogent
doesn't have any decent communities for this type of thing. My
Australian customers are getting 400ms traceroutes coming through
Telstra > Reach > Cogent to us.

Most providers that act on communities, only accept them from their directly connected customers (and in some cases peers).

This is starting to get to be a VERY annoying problem.

I would complain hard to Cogent to ask them to selectively prepend towards their peers
either based on communities or on a request from you.

And I'd tell your Australian customers to complain to Telstra.

I am in need of a list of community strings that REACH.COM accepts.
Does anyone have a list of these?

Reach does, I'm sure. Contacting them would be the smart thing.

For the last several months I have been trying to get traffic


Then again, it sounds like you aren't a REACH customer.
Generally, networks only offer traffic preference communities
to their customers. One should not have any expectation of
remote-control -by communities or any other means- beyond the
borders of the networks with whom you have direct relations.

It sounds like you should be discussing with your provider
what they can do for you, perhaps demanding reach-specific
communities or making sure there's more particular performance
criteria in your contracts.
