Communal Dining


You are all invited to an extremely informal dinner at our house at 6PM on Saturday, April 21. Spouses and children are all invited. I will bake bread and put on a huge pot of soup. If your kids are picky eaters, feel free to bring whatever they will eat.

Our house is located at:

241 West Meadowland Lane
Sterling, Virgina 20164
703 430 8379

Is this going to be like when teenagers advertise their parties on facebook?

There used to be a modification to the WWIV BBS software that when you entered the 'boards' section (wow I am so old, by the way) it would display 'Party at my house' and show all of the user's information in it's best "ascii" representation; of course it showed only that user's information to themselves so it looked like everyone was having a party, many complaints were filed =)