Comcast New England dropped for 5-15 min? Anyone

Hey, anyone had problems just now? My team and I at homes lost internet
access for about 10 min. I also had many sites drop off. Still digging, but
maybe trouble upstream? I'm in at home.


Yah, we lost two offices with Comcast feeds in northern Mass about
two hours ago, and a cow-orker reports his home feed in southern NH
went out around the same time. His is back but the offices are still
down. Their phone support says they had a "massive outage" in the
North-East, including MA, NH, CT, others. I think he even said
Virgina. Now I'm on hold while they try to reset us.

-- Ben

You were only out for 10-15 minutes? More like an hour in New Hampshire.

traceroutes would die out in Needham, Woburn, or whatever is. problems here in Vermont on Comcast business.


Dan Brisson
Network Engineer
University of Vermont

My boss has comcast at home in Milton, MA, said all was fine. Must have
been prefix specific. Trace would die somewhere in level3 at the time. Was
tracing to

Since, we reduced ourselves to the level of troubleshooting consumer home
access on a cable network. I can let you know that this happens to me at
home, in silicon valley area of California routinely several times a week.
In fact, so much that I have ATT, Comcast and Verizon hot spot for the
rare event it happens to the first two at the same time. I simply flip
between access points. The only thing I found worth the time it to test
from home is to the destination points where our network has sessions with
ATT, Comcast, etc.. With more than one consumer provider at here at home,
it have happens often enough and it becomes clear that it's rarely worth
the effort to troubleshoot from a consumer end point, unless of course if
you work for them.

Thank You
Bob Evans

It wasn't intended to start troubleshooting end user's internet. It was
more to know what is up when my customer hold queue goes up to a couple of
thousand calls on hold and my monitoring system lights up like a christmas


Looks like there were at least a couple of others that saw issues also.


I saw a problem only with my subnet IP. My subnet IP was working fine throughout.

Hi folks,

There was a problem with some prefixes New England rerouting properly
during a topology change.
We feel that problem has been corrected and would like to know if there
were other problems seen overnight (after 0000 UTC) in that region.
If you send to me, please include specific time and source/destination IP
address information.
