Comcast IPv6 Trials


I am emailing you today to share some news that we hope you will find

Today we are announcing our 2010 IPv6 trial plans. For more information
please visit the following web site:

We have also made available a partial, dual-stack version of our portal
which can be found at:

Please do not hesitate to contact me via email with any questions, comments,
or clarifications.

If you feel that others will find this information interesting feel free to
forward this message.



Incredible news! Very exciting... unfortunately, at least from here
(Comcast Business Class in the SF Bay Area), at the moment, both of
these links appear to lead to the same portal page without any
information visible regarding your IPv6 trial plans.



There was an adjustment that was required on our end. It is in place.

Do you have any form of IPv6 connectivity? If yes, this is why you are
seeing the same portal. This will clear up shortly.


There was an adjustment that was required on our end. It is in place.

Great, got it working, thanks! ...partially Safari/OSX's fault, but
mostly mine for not realizing what was going on quickly enough.

Do you have any form of IPv6 connectivity? If yes, this is why you are
seeing the same portal. This will clear up shortly.

Yeah... for now that's a Hurricane Electric tunnel, but native v6 over
DOCSIS 3 would be way cooler, not to belittle the amazing efforts of


Great work! I hope we see a lot more of these types of
announcements! I have my own cooking in the oven :slight_smile:



In all seriousness, will any attempt be made to select trial applicants based on (apparent) clue level and/or to receive feedback through channels other than the usual Tier 1 support?


Initially it would be ideal (even preferred) to target trial subscribers
with greater IPv6 awareness. The technical team will absolutely remain
engaged as part of the support process.



There was an adjustment that was required on our end. It is in place.

Great, got it working, thanks! ...partially Safari/OSX's fault, but
mostly mine for not realizing what was going on quickly enough.

Do you have any form of IPv6 connectivity? If yes, this is why you are
seeing the same portal. This will clear up shortly.

Yeah... for now that's a Hurricane Electric tunnel, but native v6 over
DOCSIS 3 would be way cooler, not to belittle the amazing efforts of

[jjmb] native, dual-stack is exactly one of the approaches we will be

*How will you select trial areas?*
Some of our trials will not be geographically-bound, meaning a customer from
anywhere in our network could participate, while other trials will be bound
to particular areas.

*How will you select customers to participate in these trials?*
Customers can volunteer to participate in a trial by completing an online
form at the Comcast IPv6 Information Center, at Once we're ready to start a trial, we
will search for customers meeting any applicable criteria for participation
(geographic area, home computer OS or equipment, etc.) and invite them to
participate in a specific trial.

I'm excited to be on the same side as the 500lb gorilla for once,


Saw this today too. This is a good step forward for adoption. Without
going too far, what was the driving factor/selling point to moving
towards this trial?

SWAG: Comcast is a mobile operator. At some point NAT becomes very
expensive for mobile devices and it makes sense to use IPv6 where you
don't need to do NAT. Once you deploy v6 on your mobile net, it is to
your advantage to have the stuff your mobile devices connect to also be
v6. Do do THAT your network needs to transport v6 and once your net is
ipv6 enabled, there is no reason not to leverage that capability to the
rest of your network. /SWAG

My gut instinct says that mobile operators will be a major player in v6

I filled out the form but nowhere on there does it allow to brag up or differentiate yourself from the typical home user (or select which trial(s) you may be interested in).

It appears the differentiators are your PC OS, gaming platform and if you have more than 1 IP.


Very awesome. If you served my area I would sign up for an account just
to try it out. I have IPv6 access and can't see your site, but I did
look at it a bit on my phone and I'm quite impressed to see someone of
your size doing what you're doing.


John Jason Brzozowski wrote:


I am emailing you today to share some news that we hope you will find

Today we are announcing our 2010 IPv6 trial plans. For more information
please visit the following web site:

I was privileged enough to visit the Comcast DOCSIS3/IPv6 implementation
demo setup at nanog46 in Philly last year, here are some pics I managed
to snap:

Apologies for the lack of descriptions, but from what I recall, there
was a CMTS setup with DOCSIS3 CMs and Laptops attached, streaming media
over IPv6.


Two comments:

1) People who manage to find out about the trial and apply probably have
already done some self-selection on clue level. Big difference between
Joe Sixpack and Joe IPV6-pack.

2) Even if some Joe Sixpacks manage to get into the test, that's good - because
Comcast needs to know what the unclued masses need for support, etc.