Comcast DNSSEC

Hadn't seen this mentioned yet.

Comcast has signed all their managed domains, as well as deployed DNSSEC resolvers for their customers. And they're encouraging others to make the jump to DNSSEC now as well, especially e-comm/banking sites.

Nice work guys, any of the Comcast guys on the list want to give us an idea how much work is involved in this from a large-scale service provider perspective to do it? Any big caveats you encountered that people should watch out for?

Jeremy "TheBrez" Bresley

Wow! Congrats to the Comcast crew, that's absolutely awesome!

Definitely interested in hearing any "lessons learned" that you can share from the exercise.

- Pete

Wow! Congrats to the Comcast crew, that's absolutely awesome!


Between dnssec and ipv6 Comcast has shown true internet evolution
leadership in their *actions*, which really stands out in an industry full
of talk.


Definitely interested in hearing any "lessons learned" that you can share

from the exercise.

- Pete

Hadn't seen this mentioned yet.

Comcast has signed all their managed domains, as well as deployed DNSSEC

resolvers for their customers. And they're encouraging others to make the
jump to DNSSEC now as well, especially e-comm/banking sites.

Nice work guys, any of the Comcast guys on the list want to give us an

idea how much work is involved in this from a large-scale service provider
perspective to do it? Any big caveats you encountered that people should
watch out for?

Very cool, but they haven't signed *all* of them. still
isn't signed, nor are any of the reverse zones, nor is
(in Comcast's SOAs).

You can probably quibble about whether the reverse zones are important,
but is quite a significant miss. (Email, DNS, their "more
information links", etc.)

Still, I'm glad they're doing it, and hopefully reality will catch up
with their announcement soon. :slight_smile:

From Wed Jan 11 00:02:13 2012

Very cool, but they haven't signed *all* of them. still
isn't signed, nor are any of the reverse zones, nor is
(in Comcast's SOAs).

We'll be there very soon. Sometimes unplanned work in other areas pulls
resources temporarily, conspiring against the best plans. :wink:

- JL