Colocation Server Lifts

Hi NANOG community,

A few questions I have for the community regarding server lifts at colo

1. Is a server lift something you would typically expect a colo facility to

if yes,

2. Do colo facilities typically allow customers to just use them or provide
an operator?
3. Is it a free offering or something they rent out?
4. What would be the typical device weight you would lift?
5. What would be the max device weight you would lift?



Yes, I would expect a lift at a colo but in terms of regulations (safety) I
do not think it is a mandatory requirement for most colo's

Allowing customers to use them can be a yes or no ; it requires some basic
operational skills to operate - you just cant trust a client visiting to
use it unless some vetting is in place for this.

It should be free and a datacentre operator needs to assist or at-least
supervise in usage.

The weight depends on the model of the lift .

Some helpful resources:-

Very good questions with not so clear cut answers. In line.

Hi NANOG community,

A few questions I have for the community regarding server lifts at colo

1. Is a server lift something you would typically expect a colo facility to

I would say unfortunately no. Many facilities do have server lifts but many do not. Definitely ask before hand so you understand what you are getting into. Personally I believe every facility should offer these server lifts considering the weight people are racking today.

if yes,

2. Do colo facilities typically allow customers to just use them or provide
an operator?

The ones that do have server left usually let you just operate them. Pretty self explanatory devices. Up / down. Brake / move.

3. Is it a free offering or something they rent out?

I have never been asked to sign out a server lift which seems funny considering you have to sign out a crash cart. My guess is it facility dependent.

4. What would be the typical device weight you would lift?

The answer really depends on how much you want to lift manually. The guys I use are pretty comfortable racking 80 lb servers over and over and over again. But if you don’t feel comfortable then a server lift at any weight is a good idea. Save you back!

5. What would be the max device weight you would lift?

Not sure on that one. You should probably consult the manufacturer. I can tell you we typically use server lifts when things get over 100 lbs. I think the heaviest box we have installed using a server lift was over 200 lbs. My guess is that it would support a lot more weight.

In all my time dealing with various colos around the globe, I cannot
say that I can ever recall hearing (or seeing) someone refer to using
a lift to install or dismount a server. My inclination therefore is
that it is not something likely to be common. That it may exist in
locations I have had dealings with is possible, of course, but not
something that I am expressly aware of at any particular facility.

As to use, I believe these would be in the vein of dollys and ladders,
available upon request. Except in the most restrictive colos, I would
not expect any explicit conditions for operation except to perhaps be
questioned whether you know how to use it before letting you wheel it
away. One would hope it would be more or less self-explanatory and
just a question of reading the labels by the controls.


They are much more likely to be used for things like Juniper MX960's
(and larger), Brocade MLXe-32's (and larger), etc. Routers and
switches that weigh hundreds or thousands of pounds :wink: