Cogent <=> Google Peering issue

Anyone else aware of it?

Can you scope "issue" with any facts or data?


I googled cogent peering and the first result opened fine

  -- Niels.

* (Todd Underwood) [Wed 17 Feb 2016, 17:36 CET]:

Todd Underwood wrote:

Can you scope "issue" with any facts or data?

are facts or data strictly necessary on the nanog mailing list?


They haven't been since at least the mid 90's :slight_smile:

let me try to be more concrete and helpful:

lots of people who work at google *and* at cogent are on this list.
none of them are doing anything to look at anything right now b/c
there are no facts in evidence yet.

if you want help with something or want to verify something, provide a
time, a date, a path, a fact, a traceroute, a flow, a log entry a



let me try to be more concrete and helpful:

lots of people who work at google *and* at cogent are on this list.
none of them are doing anything to look at anything right now b/c
there are no facts in evidence yet.

happy to help or find a local person to help ...

if you want help with something or want to verify something, provide a
time, a date, a path, a fact, a traceroute, a flow, a log entry a

if there's more data :frowning:

if there's more data :frowning:

randpkt -t bgp -

If my telepathy still works fine and I understood your question well -
then the answer is "NO, that is not a global well-known issue" :wink:

I am currently having a issue with cogent and google over ipv6. My traceroute seems to hit cogent, Verizon, and then just dies.

I have a case open with both and each tells me the other is working on it.

Yes, it's a global Cogent problem. We are in contact with them as well and were told that they're aware of that but can't do anything about it on their own.

Dear Cogent Customer,

Cogent NOC team has been working with Verizon as well as Google to assist with resolving the issue. After further investigation there is no issue on the Cogent network which is causing the issue that you are seeing. Currently we have asked for Google and Verizon to work together to assist with resolving the issue which has been isolated to their end of the spectrum.

As you can see, this issue is beyond Cogent control nevertheless, we continue pushing to get it resolve. We will provide you with further updates as they arise.

I am getting a "Destination unreachable" from their closest router. We did rerouting through a different carrier, so not a big problem for us, but still annoying.


Can you stop peering with Verizon in the meantime? Please? D: